Kallrysel Settlement in Allatar | World Anvil
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The foremost and oldest college of the arcane in the world.   Founded thousands of years ago by the gnome hero Kallahym A’wosim to be a place of learning and shared knowledge where the greatest wizards would gather and freely share their learning and experience to greater benefit the world.   Around the college, built to support its needs is the free city of Faldrik   This admirable goal has fallen by the wayside in recent centuries, as the scholars and wizards fiercely guard their secrets.   Due to the importance of this resource during the Last War, and the ability of its many great wizards to protect it, it was largely unscathed by the decades of war.   Some of the most devastating and deadly spells and magical weapons were created in its halls, and so vast wealth has flowed through its doors during those dark days.


When troubled by the threat of assualt, the wizards of the college will errect a magnificent shining blue wall of force, which can keep out almost any foe.

Industry & Trade

The needs of the college are met by trade with the city of Faldrik that surrounds the college.
Alternative Name(s)
The Great College, The University Arcanum
800 wizards, scholars and professors


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