Hybrox Species in Allatar | World Anvil
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Hybrox (High-Br-ox)

The domesticated hybrox is descended form the great lizards of pre-history. These large, stocky quadrupeds are herbivores with a distinctive bony frill that protects their neck and brain. Their ancestors likely had great horns on these crests and their noses but generations of breeding have removed these traits to allow for easier control of the creatures.    Most often used to pull heavy loads they can be found in trade caravans and on the largest of farms. They are known for being stubborn but smart enough to perform basic tasks and their bulk and power makes them able to carry loads an order of magnitude heavier than any other beast of burden.

Basic Information


A Hybrox is a thickly skinned quadruped, its thick legs ending in in a splayed, four-toed foot with thick claws. The have a distinctive bony frill on their very large heads that protects their necks and have a snout that ends in a large beaked mouth. The vestigial brow and nose horns are still visible, where breeding has reduced their size dramatically.   They reach up to nine meters in length and can weigh about 7 tons when fully grown.

Ecology and Habitats

Originally found in the plains to the north of the equator in the Eastern Lands of [Allatar during the migration to the west of the continent, a few Hybrox were brought along. While most commonly seen in the west as part of trade caravans, its not unusual to see one as a farm animal.

Dietary Needs and Habits

The hybrox feeds on low lying vegetation, due to their size and bulk they require a lot of food daily, their efficient digestive system does mean that they extract a huge amount of the nutrition from what they do eat.

Additional Information


Domesticated by early tribal humans, breeding has reduced the size from the great beasts of the plains slightly. The three long horns on its have have been reduced to mere nubs where once the two brow horns would reach up to a metre in length.   Breeding has improved their temperament, the wild species was said to be aggressively territorial where the Hybrox are now usually placid and accepting.

Uses, Products & Exploitation

They are used as beasts of burden and can carry many tens of tonnes of weight easily and their even tempers and hardy constitutions make them well suited for travel.

Average Intelligence

Domesticated Beast
32 years
Average Height
3 Metres
Average Weight
4.6 Tonnes
Average Length
6.5 Metres
Body Tint, Colouring and Marking
Generally brown-green with a mottled pattern on the frill.


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