Letter from Borrin Document in Alkun | World Anvil

To Whom It May Concern,

I regret to be the bearer of bad tidings, but I find it is my sad duty to inform you of the unfortunate and unseen demise of the former Mayor of Hearthwick, Oliphar Bulbanius. He was observed leaving the village and meeting with member of the rebel forces currently besieging the city of Tamrivena. This was apparently not the first such meeting, but the means by which he evaded observation seems to have disappeared. He died a coward's death. A long, slow, agonizing coward's death.

Equally unfortunately I must advise you that the Farlander headman, Zoltan Muddybrook, has recently found himself crippled -- blind and tongueless, he nevertheless lives. When approached for information about the malefactors in Hearthwick, he proved most uncooperative.

Be advised that before you were forwarded this message the word went out to report on the whereabouts of an Ulfen barbarian and a Halfling rogue with your descriptions included. I may not know your names, but you may be certain I will find you. I wish you good luck in making it out of Ustalav alive.

Former Priest of Urgathoa

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