Forest of the Long Lived Geographic Location in Aligar 2.0 | World Anvil

Forest of the Long Lived

The Forest of the Long Lived is an ancient forest, the trees are the tallest thing on the landscape. Strange things happen deep in this forest so most people in the kingdoms don't venture very far in.


The Forest of the Long Lived is an old growth forest. The forest borders the Gulf of Terrigan, a small part of the Twisting Desert, and the Kingdoms of Evrand, Grador, and Zedo. The land the forest occupies is fairly flat, there are not many elevation changes.


The forest has high temperatures and high humidities, this means the forest is often misty. Many organisms who thrive in these conditions can be found here including a variety of mosses and other moisture loving plants. The forest floor is often very green and teeming with life. The forest does cool down during the winter and it only gets a dusting of snow a handful of times.


The forest used to reach all the way down to Melidon Lake, unfortunately when the humans started evolving and building large cities, they needed space. This led to a war with the small elven populations residing in the forest. The elves were able to stop the humans and save most of their forest.
Forest, Boreal (Coniferous)
Location under

Cover image: by Felix Mittermeier


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