Knight Profession in Alhom | World Anvil
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Black plates on leather armor, a helm with a white skull mask, a flail ending in a a black metal cage. He spouts the of word of St. Isen. He walks the lands of Alhom alone. endlessly preaching the Ossic faith. He is a knight of the Iron Cage.   Through the dark forest, she rides with her comrades. Her brazier mace burns defiantly in the endless rains of the Deiterwald as she pursues her quarry. A vile beast of a witch sprints through the trees on all fours, fleeing damnation. The knight reaches the witch, bringing her mace down with righteous fury. She is a knight of the Diligent Flame   The commander barks orders at his men as they brace themselves for the barbarian charge. The wild men crash against the steel wall, breaking upon the knights' blades. At the battle's end the commander returns his knights to their keep outside the nearby village, the villagers safely inside and ready for the celebration. These are the knights of Durdain's Mercy.



The purpose of the knight depends on which order they belong to, and which oath that order has sworn. There are three oaths to which the orders may be sworn, some swearing all three. The oaths are as follows:   The Oath of the Cult: This is the oath declaring loyalty to the Ossic Cult. Knights of this oath take orders from the High Ossics in Jeisser or carry out what they may percieve to be the will of the faith.   The Oath of the Crown: This is an oath to the crown of Alghast and royal house. Knights that swear this oath take their orders directly from the crown, and often act and an extension of Alghast's military.   The Oath of Country: This is an oath dedicated to the people of Alghast. Knightly orders of this oath often establish just outside a village or town, serving its people as defenders. While others wander the country in armored caravans, providing services to those they encounter. This oath is much more recent than the others, established only a few hundred years before the Fall.

Social Status

Knights are highly regarded among the people of Alghast. They are often viewed as the pinnacle of Alghastian-Ossic society. While over-all the knights are beloved, there are some orders whose brutal methods or corruption have led to a tarnishing of that opinion.


Any and all can become knighted, although it takes a great deal of skill. Different orders have differing requirements, but one must merely approach and order and ask to take a squire's pledge.


The history of the knights can be traced back to the year of Queen Iohas' death, 33AO. The weeks following her death were ones of deep sorrow. Veterans of the Queen's campaigns came together in the city of Alghast, and swore themselves to new king, creating the Order of the Crownsworn. The first Ossic knights came about during the Saint's Age during the second and third centuries, swearing themselves Ossic Cult under the icon of their patron saints.
Alhom is a dangerous world, now more than ever. The primary duty of the knights is protection and service, there are few who would turn down their prescence.
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