Emily MacLane Character in Algaress | World Anvil
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Emily MacLane

Emily is a warpriest devoted to The Warrior, and former adventurer from Skalsgrad.

Mental characteristics

Personal history

Emily grew up in the land of Skalsgrad, in a rural town named Green Hill close to the border with Altaiesha. The town was built a top of a high hill, thus making it easier to defend. The town itself is well fortified, and surrounded by outlying farms. Her parents were farmers, but from an early age, Emily proved that she was destined for more. She was strong and tough, the makings of a real warrior, and so she was sent to be educated in the town's main temple, the Abbey of the Axe, devoted to "The Warrior" god of war and battle. She was trained in basic weapons and armor, but turned her focus to wielding the Greataxe and Heavy Armor, and after many years of study, became a priestess in his service.   Emily's best friend of several years is a girl by the name of Gabriel, who was quieter and less outspoken then Emily, and ended up serving in the smaller temple to the White Lady, becoming a priestess in her service. Despite their differences, they remained close friends as they grew into adulthood, and when Emily left the city to fight with the town militia against a band of orcs approaching the city, it was Gabriel who saw her off.   Emily left and did well in the orc battle, because of her healing talents and mastery of the axe, many more of her town's people lived. But when she returned to Green Hill a week later, Gabriel was no where to be found. The people said she fell in with a charming wanderer, and that they left the city together. This did not set well with Emily, she thought it was unlikely that Gabriel would abandon her duties like that, and with the blessings of the high priest, she set out, hoping to find her only friend and see what made her leave without saying goodbye.


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