Gloomgarde Settlement in Aldris | World Anvil
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Gloomgarde is the largest of Thor Bardam’s many “delving forts”, large military bases spread throughout the Dross that hold both the surface-dwelling and subterranean forces of the Dwarven army. Often run by members of the Aberrant Legion, these settlements each account to protect the kingdom from the forces of the Underdark, as well as protect their miners as they continue to expand the kingdom’s reach and resources below the soil. Gloomgarde stands as the largest base of operations, seated in the heart of the Dross and serving as the Legion’s surface headquarters.


Most if not all of the forces at Gloomgarde are Dwarven but there is a mixture of human, halfling, gnome, and other races placed here, including some Shadow Elves who make their way across from the Shadowfell. Tieflings often can be prompted here as well to serve their country without being anywhere close to the Capital.


The Aberrant Legion commands this fort with an iron fist, delegating it’s forces to the Underdark and the surface lands as it sees fit.

Guilds and Factions

  • The Aberrant Legion: A guild of warriors and artificers dedicated to battling against the aberrations of the Underdark and repurposing their bodies for weaponization and biological weaponry.
  • The Skulkers: A group of rangers and scout that voyage out into the Shadowfell to map it out, collect rare materials, and battle against enemies who seek to break through to the Material Plane.
Alternative Name(s)
The House of Dying Dwarves, The Keep on the Shadowlands
Military, Base
Location under
Owning Organization
Characters in Location

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