Karasaanu Geographic Location in Aldern | World Anvil

Karasaanu (kara SAN oo)

the Great Forest of the West


In the mists beyond history and myth, Ethae looked much different than it does in the modern day. Before the written word, the continent was covered in three great forests. In Novyum grew Saquutu, the Great Woodland of the North. South, in Jerain, was Monanad, the Great Jungle of the South. To the west, in the Reach known today as Anbar, where a great desert now stands, was Karasaanu, the Great Forest of the West. All but the highest icy mountains were blanketed by these forest's tall trees.


Karasaanu’s northwestern region was home to Elder Tree Seblug, child of Aterleg, the Grandfather Tree. Like the other great forests, it was said that every tree and plant of this forest was created by the Elder Trees. Karasaanu was special, however, for it was only this forest that Ama Tree grew. They were the children of Seblug. High in the canopy of the Elder Tree and his ama lived the Fey'are. They were the high old Magic, the magic of nature and the trees themselves. The Fey’are were the first of what the world would call Elf.


As Karasaanu grow thick, the elves spread throughout, organizing themselves into the Areian Nations. The forest protected the areians and feed them magic and life, in turn the elves cultivated the forest, protected her and the two lived as one. That is until the wars between the elves and the dragons and the destruction of the Areian Nations in Dragonfall. Karasaanu burned and the ground below her melted. The corpse of the forest became the Desert of Anbar, never to grow life in mass again.

Forest, Jungle (Tropical)


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