
“Slaver? That’s a harsh word. I prefer to call it...the appropriation and distribution of specific goods.”
While slavers are not especially prolific, certainly not as much as pirates, they are paid very well for their services. The reason for their low numbers are twofold; slavers are constantly hunted for by the Lawerian Military, making it hard for them to operate and ensuring only the smartest and strongest continue to do so. The other reason is that there are few people who seek slaves. Only the bravest will take merchandise to Titans or the remnants of the Dragonbane, and Jenk prefer to steal their own subjects. Verraten remain their greatest employers.   While slavers primarily focus on the stealing and selling of sentient beings, it's not unusual to have them also routinely smuggle animals or, less frequently, rare plants, for the right price.



Slavers tend to use ships with old Locjanian cloaking technology in less technologically advanced planets and locations. Their general tactics include setting off a large explosion with a cannon and snatching some individuals in the panic, with many of them also carrying projectile weapons as insurance.
While non-sentient creatures are protected from smuggling and sentient creatures are protected from slavery, the discovery of new species creates loopholes for Slavers as the paperwork is done to classify them as sentient under the Intergalactic Sentient Agreement Act. While most Lawerians would work to stop them taking any living creatures as a matter of course, the law is technically not on their side until the legislation goes through.


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