The Laedian Dynasty Organization in Alaria | World Anvil
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The Laedian Dynasty

The Laedian Dynasty is a detached section of The Melyrian Empire. It was originally a conquered territory until Sovereign Jognem Laedia brought his people from Dartcour Mountains to reclaim the land to their west.  

The Legacy of Sovereign Jognem Laedia

Sovereign Jognem Laedia was a dwarf, who during the first invasion of the Melyrian Empire, did nothing to stop them. He believed that as long as the Empire did not try to taint the Mountains then they would cause no harm. However, when the Empire tried to set up mines within the mountains, Jognem was stirred to action. Jognem is known for his couragious actions in defending Laedia and the mountains that seal away evil.  

Current Dynasty

The Dynasty is now ruled by Sovereign Nenmoda Laedia . The Dynasty has thrived within recent years, creating a strong alliance with the Queendom of Bratha. They still guard the darkness that was sealed within the mountains at their border.  

The Advisors of Laedia

Laedia is not only ruled by the Sovereign, but a set of advisors are appointed to the Soverign. For the first 10 years of their rule all decisions must be passed through the council.
  • Glazalin Onyxheart, Advisor of War
  • Dorrum Coinbow, Advisor of Economics
  • Ditras, Advisor of Foreign Affairs
  • Arel Zumen, Advisor of Magic


The Laedian Dynasty is ruled by the Sovereign. However the Sovereign is heavly influnced by their advisors


The main culture of Laedia is based on a worship of the gods. As well the Laedian Dynasty follows a "firstborn" inheritance system in both the royal line and the lesser houses.

Demography and Population

The main population of the Dynasty is the Dwarves. However many races have found their homes within the dynasty. There is a large community of humans living on Hermilin Isle . The population has remained stable with an almost equal birth and death rate.


Public Education

Mythology & Lore

The Main Gods that are worshipped in the Laedian Dynasty:
  • Eldath, goddess of peace
  • Chauntea, goddess of agriculture
  • Helm, god of protection

May The Mountains Never Fall

Founding Date
Geopolitical, Empire
Training Level
Veterancy Level
Government System
Monarchy, Theocratic
Power Structure
Unitary state
Economic System
Palace economy
Hermilin Isle The Dartcour Mountains
Gold, Silver, Copper
Major Exports
Major Imports
Legislative Body
The Sovereign
Judicial Body
The Advisors and the Sovereign
Executive Body
Defenders of the Dynasty
Controlled Territories


The Laedian Dynasty does not trust Atrith due to their close relaiton with the Melyrian Dynasty

Non-Aggression Pact

The Laedian Dynasty do not trust the Melyrian Empire after the events of the Bratha/Melyrian war

This article has no secrets.


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