Tempora Settlement in Akeroth | World Anvil
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Tempora is a small island off the coast of Hyhill and is the region's center of commerce. Tempora is completely surrounded by tall walls. There are only 3 entrances into the Town, each facing a different direction, and they are all constantly guarded by Soldiers. However, there is a small, secret entrance through a tunnel from the east coast cave.   Many citizens of Akeroth come here to live out their lives finding enjoyment in the constant festivals and firework shows that they are proud of. Some time ago a new building was erected in the town holding a new clock tower. The Mayor of the town allowed the new resident to move in so long as they agreed to stay out of the way of town interests and their experiments were kept within the walls of the tower. The wizard agreed and has never left the tower for any reason.

Points of interest

The Clock Tower
Location under
Additional Rulers/Owners
Characters in Location


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