Republic of Hyhill Geographic Location in Akeroth | World Anvil
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Republic of Hyhill

The Forest of Hyhill was a remnant of the days of old when all of Akeroth was covered in green and elves, giants and dragons ruled the world. The forest was a vast region of old forest growth bounded by the Mountains in the north. To the South was found a small cluster of islands still connected by the forest's magic and to the West the vast desert of Aslana. The eastern border of the High Forest lay against the Kingdom of Erstone through which flows the Magic of the Frost Phoenix.   There are said to be many creatures that roam these graced lands. The forest is both endless and magical, as such, animals found here are hidden from any who would seek to either capture or harm them. The forest is alive, blessed by the magic of Heimstré, The Fey Tree, the root of all magic, and the path to the Feywild.   Many adventurers have traveled through the forest and recounted their encounters with creatures. Although small there have been a few creatures said to have been seen such as;   Corkscrew Owls, Winter’s Whelps, Kleinhorns, Owlbears, Flounder Ferrets, Ink Spawn & reports of a reptile-like pack of monsters roaming the areas. Though far and few between there are also mythical creatures of great power and renowned seen within this forest as one eyewitness has spoken of a Unicorn sighted near the Ersworn Tree.


What lay within this deep forest was somewhat of a mystery, and few traveled there to explore its depths. The more notable locations in the forest included the majestic Ersworn Tree—providing the magical sap drained into the waters of the Unicorn Run and the Heartblood River; the Peaks in the northwest that form the pathway leading to Mayfalls Keep and the fabled Cave of the Cosmos; the Beach of Lost Memories in the east; as well as many dungeons ruins, abandoned settlements, and mysterious locales.   The southern slopes of the famed Star Peaks contained the legendary Endless Cavern, which was said to be home to passageways that connected to the Underdark. To the south of the caverns was the Stronghold of the Cult of Four, an abandoned cult site now apparently claimed by remaining elvish warriors who cut down the cult to subside the prophecy.
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