The Phantom Knights Organization in Aither | World Anvil
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The Phantom Knights

A feared mercenary company, so large and renowned that they are only really hired by nations, being such a force that they could change the dynamics of wars. Although called knights, no member of The Phantom Knights is actually a knight, as many commoners, hoping to fight as nobles do, join the mercenary company, meaning that they cannot be knights by nature. Instead, they earn their name due to the full plate armor that they are clad in, emanating the appearance of more traditional knights, while wearing white cloaks over that, as well as over their horses, making them appear like vengeful spirits charging into battle. Each knight is dressed the same, maintaining the ideals that all are born equal, and are treated equally within The Phantom Knight's ranks, with even their leaders being clad in the exact same armor, further lending credence to said ideal. Currently, they are being hired by the Sahrian Union, aiding in the battles against The Martéan Empire.


The Organisation is lead by a single leader, and two Vice Commanders under them, though no one outside of the company knows who they are, and with their use of identical apparel and armor, they are near impossible to assassinate. Under these three leaders, there are three different sectors of the company, which can be rented separately if a smaller army is required by a given client or if the company does not see a purpose to risking too many soldiers in a given campaign.


Founded in 264ADE by the bastard son of the King of Alderhardt at that time and is commoner, half-orc man friend, The Phantom Knights were once illegal in Alderhardt, having to travel and fight outside of the country. The bastard prince was a well liked man among his cohorts, taking many knights, along with some common guards, with him, creating a small army which was first hired by the people of The Tirmari Archipelago to face the pirates that plagued them. Growing their reputation from this, they were hired for strife after strife, and in the centuries that followed, being far enough removed from their founder, were allowed back in Alderhardt, even being hired by them to aid in the wars against the yuan-ti. Now they serve the Sahrian Union against The Martéan Empire, doing a great deal to ensure that the invaders make little ground.   Because of their need to serve nations from all over The Continent, they do not have a base of operations, nor will they likely ever have one, believing the lives of warrior nomads to be the one for them. Because of this, many from all over join the company, faster than those that retire. The wealth gathered by those of the company is attractive to many, hoping to retire with enough money to start a comfortable family life in retirement.
Founding Date
Military, Mercenary Group
Parent Organization

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