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23rd of Lyntel, 482ADE

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Aither was once a world that thrived from the presence of Gods walking on its surface. That was until The Divine Exodus, forcing the Gods from the Material Realm, leaving the mortals without the sensation of true divinity. Now it is a godless land, which many believe is beginning the final stages before its fated end.

The Cursed Isles, which was once known as The Twin Isles, is an example of this, with the corruption of the very life of that land causing a mass migration to Andoria, more commonly known as The Continent, where much of the chaos of Aither takes place.

The Martéan Empire, The Valkan Isles and Yuan-ti of the deserts of Oshal have caused wars to erupt through The Continent, while the absence of deities have caused those possessing power far beyond mortals to abuse the situation, sewing seeds of chaos with their power, whether they be corrupted demi-gods or arch-devils of near god-like power looking to finally escape their infernal prison.

Aither is growing crueler and more feral by the day, and it is now up to the mortals of the land, for the very first time in their history, to band together, building order from the chaos. If they should continue their ways, allowing those far beyond them individually to siphon off their bloodshed, then Enderfall shall be upon them.