Zarot's crocodile Species in Aidonia | World Anvil

Zarot's crocodile

1st of Sun's Swell, AE 721  
The world's largest species of freshwater crocodile is known for its aggression. Ranging in color from dark olive to beige, these large reptiles are most common in blackwater marshes of Allathoné, but their full range extends from the northern Axapotlan Cities to the duskward coasts of Mahid. A few have been known to cross the Mylvenore Straight into Vriddasa, but cases are few are far between.

Basic Information

Ecology and Habitats

Prefers slow-moving rivers, marshlands, and lakes

Biological Cycle

Zarot's crocodiles become most territorial around the start of the new year which coincides with the beginning of their mating season, which will continue for a month and a half through mid-Witherwane.

Civilization and Culture

Interspecies Relations and Assumptions

Zarot's crocodiles can be quite dangerous even outside of their mating season, so most people do their best to avoid them and give a wide berth to places they are known to bask and feed. Those who live in closer proximity to them, such as those who live in the more rural parts of AllathonĂ©, will often erect fences, both around their homes and in parts of rivers that are frequently used for washing clothes or gathering fresh water.   They are considered a holy animal of Zarotva (hence their name). In one of her most famous temples located in AllathonĂ©, The Viridescent Sanctuary, the temple itself consists of a large area of raised wooden platforms, just feet above where the crocodiles sun themselves. Priests ensure the animals are comfortable and well cared for, but will not protect visitors should they make unwise decisions, especially if they have already been warned.
80 years
Average Length
13-21 feet (4-6.4 meters)
Geographic Distribution

Cover image: Goldream-1 by JR Korpa


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