Storm Gods Myth in Aiaos | World Anvil
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Storm Gods

The Storm Gods are the Young Gods who created and shaped the Minotaurs and Centaurs of Caino.  

Rastan the Divider

Minotaur traditions hold that the Moblands, the Minotaurs and their other gods were all created by Rastan the Divider, the god of creation and destruction, who lives in the lightning that splits sky and stone alike. Their primary symbol is the fulgurite, and their few active priests - for the most part, Rastan is worshipped as an overarching figure in the cults of the other gods, rather than being a priest's primary deity - carry spears with blades of fulgurite.   The creation myths of the minotaurs say that Rastan divided the earth from the sky, the land from the sea and the mountains from the plain to create the Moblands. They split great stones to release the first minotaurs, and lesser stones to release the first cattle; great trees to release the centaurs and lesser trees to release the first horses. They split the clouds to create the Stormherd, and Mount Urthu to release the Earthdriver.  

The Great Gods

The high gods of the Storm are Asteroth the Stormherd and Urthara the Earthdriver, the culture deities of the great mobs and now primary gods of the Thunderhead Dominion. Since the centaurs turned away from the Storm quite early in their cultural development, their imagery and nature has been shaped almost exclusively by their relationship with minotaur culture.
  • Asteroth is the god of the sky and the storm, master of the Cloud Herds, who gave the minotaurs the gifts of fury, mastery, prophecy and freedom. He takes the form of a towering cloud, with the head and lower body of a bull, and the arms and torso of a titan, its body crackling with internal lightning. His priests tend towards a bombastic style, and carry symbols with a point-down triangular form representing the anvil of a storm cloud.
  • Urthara is the goddess of the earth and the mob, breaker of stones and shaker of the ground, who gave the minotaurs the gifts of patience, understanding, memory and order. She takes the form of a great, mountainous minotaur with flesh of stone. Her priests speak rarely, but forcefully, and carry symbols in the form of a point-up triangle, representing a mountain.
Minotaur philosophy insists that whichever of the gods' gifts one considers the greatest, all are greater when combined. Fury without patience is mere chaos, but patience without fury is apathy, and so on.  

The Lesser Gods

The lesser gods are the children of earth and sky, and the givers of more specific cultural gifts.
  • Iserith the Windwalker - Goddess of light and truth, whose aspect is a winged minotaur. Her symbol is the winged star. She represents the spiritual and aspiring part of the minotaur nature, giving the gifts of inquiry, compassion and ambition.
  • Asterion the Bloodbound - God of violence and battle, who takes the aspect of a minotaur with hands dripping blood. His symbol is the double-headed axe. He represents the instinctual, destructive part of the minotaur collective psyche, and gives the gifts of power, courage and battle-lust.
  • Karvan the Nightborn - Goddess of darkness and childbirth, taking the aspect of a a horned figure with robes and flesh of starry night. Her symbol is a circle, representing both her hood and the moon. She represents both the concealing and the nurturing elements of the minotaur nature. Her gifts are dreams, endurance and secrecy, and she is the god who protects that which matters the most.
  • Knossor the Stonepiler - God of building and journeys, taking the form of a stone-skinned minotaur carrying a hammer and a quill. The hammer and quill are his symbols. He is the creative and inventive part of the minotaur nature, giving the gifts of strategy, architecture and construction. 
  • Eldorn the Fleshbinder - God of husbandry and healing, taking the form of a silver-furred minotaur. His symbol is a curved blade. He is the caring and enduring aspect of the minotaur being, investing the race with medicine, herding and agriculture.

Minotaur Religion

There are no established minotaur churches. Religion among the mobs is a personal matter, with extended chains of mentor and actolyte combining to give local and regional cults a collective flavour, but with wider hierarchical organisation always at odds with both the minotaur temperament and the nature of the gods themselves. Instead, relations between the local sects are moderated by the secular order.


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