Scaled Kingdoms Organization in Aiaos | World Anvil
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Scaled Kingdoms

The Scaled Kingdoms have a similar history to their neighbours on the northern shores of Suto who went on to form the Free Kingdoms. A mix of Petari and Human refugees fled the Ophionic Empire took up residence on the coast. With less farmland available than in the west, they instead focused on the fruits of the sea, entering into alliances with the Seafolk of Blackrock. Despite their name, these are not actually monarchies, but rather loosely administered anarchist collectives with a robust defensive strategy designed to allow them to muster an organised fighting force at need. These strategies vary in effectiveness between kingdoms and depending on the stubbornness of the population's commitment to the principles of absolute liberty at any given moment.   Originally no more than petty chiefdoms, three of these cultures – Kssyrihh, T’ssessth and Nhkhhas, based around what are now the major port cities along the north coast – have grown into thriving and stable kingdoms. The south of the region is still disputed between various chiefs and shifting factions, and the number of states in the alliance varies between five and nine, with the lesser kingdoms typically sponsored by one of the 'big three.' Petari culture remains the dominant influence, and dealings between the kingdoms of the alliance are mediated by a powerful priesthood of the Seven Scales.   The tribes of Suto do not eat the bodies of the weak, or those dead of natural causes or misadventure. These are given to the beasts to return to the cycle of life, death and rebirth, with the petars consuming no-one – not including dumb beasts – that they do not consider an equal, be they friend or enemy.
Alliance, Generic


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