Drow Gods Myth in Aiaos | World Anvil
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Drow Gods

More than any other elven gods, the gods of the Drow are beings of contradictions and contrasts. They usually represent more abstract concepts than those of other races.
  • Flame-in-Shadow - Creator of the Drow; the flame and the shadow; heartbreaker and heart-healer; god of passion, illusion and truth.
  • Taker-in-Darkness - God of death, fate and chance; the last secret; the unbeatable foe and unshakable friend.
  • Strength-in-Righteousness - God of strength and conviction, protection and defiance; defeater and concealer of blows.
  • Weaver-of-Whispers - God of magic and hidden things, knowledge and ignorance; revealer of lore and keeper of secrets; the student and the teacher.
  • Echoes-in-the-Tunnel - God of perception and questing; the seeker and that which is sought.
  • Song-of-Steel - God of artifice and art; the maker and the breaker.
While most of the drow clans in the Underhollows are devoted to the defence of Aiaos, there are those who have been subborned by the forces of The Abyss, most commonly the subtle machinations of Lilloth, the Queen of Spiders, in whose name they battle the devils of the Fathomless Vertex to control the main passage between the material world and The Abyss.


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