Devastator's League Organization in Aiaos | World Anvil
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Devastator's League

The Devastator's League (Tathlim Katastron, prn. tayth-leem kay-tahs-troon) is a hold-over from the early days of the Hobgoblins as an independent culture. Under the Horde, Hobgoblins with a knack for Magic were conscripted as Devastators (Katastri, sing. Katastra), purely destructive arcanists with little theoretical grounding. Horde Devastators were living, expendable weapons, just like any member of the Horde, although uniquely potent and deadly, even to themselves.   After the Liberation and under the guidance of the Monastery of the Iron Mind, the existing Devastators formed the alliance of practitioners which in time became known as the Devastators' League, in order both to train their successors and to refine and expand their abilities in less purely martial directions. The modern League retains a stong bias towards combative magic, but its students also study theory and restraint, and while evocation and abjuration are the League's bread and butter, they are no longer limited to the praxis of pure war magic.
Military Order


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