Monastery of the Iron Mind Organization in Aiaos | World Anvil
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Monastery of the Iron Mind

Manastu Sidere Myal (mah-naa-stoo sih-dee-ree my-all), the Monastery of the Iron Mind, is the oldest purely Hobgoblin institution in existence, according to its own history at least. The annals of the monastery claim that the Way of the Iron Mind (Dropos Sidere Myal, pronounced droo-pose sih-dee-ree my-all) was born as an independent organisation which mediated between the tribes as the first hobgoblin states arose. It survived as a subversive secret society in the years of the Horde, focused on resistance against the cruelty of the Legion overseers who kept the untold ranks of Goblinoids in line. It was the Way of the Iron Mind that shaped the hobgoblins, not just mentally, but physically, into the supremely disciplined soldiers that they are famous for being, so distinct from the Goblins and Bugbears),  and also the disciples of the Way who silently neutralised those who would abuse the Horde. It is from the Way that the traditions of tent face and fire face, and of the iron, bronze and gold identities are derived.   With the fall of the Legion, the disciples of the Way helped their people to for or reform their own societies. As the loose organisation became more formal and unified, it became known as the Monastery of the Iron Mind. The Monastery fostered the growth of hobgoblin society, also founding the Devastator's League and the Circle of Spears. In the modern day, they operate openly as the guardians of the hobgoblin people and culture, aiding other hobgoblins in battle, but also covertly police their leaders to ensure that they do not succumb to tyranny.   Some fear that the Monastery itself could become corrupted. As a safeguard against that eventuality the various rules and cloisters within the larger structure each operate entirely independently, with no overarching authority, so that each group can theoretically keep a watch on all of the others.  


The Way of the Iron Mind, as befits an ancient order, has a strongly heterodox philosophy. The Monastery is divided into sects known as the Rules of the Way (Kaones Dropore, prn. kah-oo-nees droo-pore-eh). These are philosophical schools, with their own ideas of how the Monastery should train and undertake its sworn duties, as well as what those sworn duties should be. The sofists of each Rule engage in a constant process of evolving the priorities and principles of the Rule, and also select a prinsofi to represent them on the Iron Council. Any acolyte and most adherents of the Way will identify as followers of one of the Rules of the Way, and may also respect the teachings of other rules, including minor rules, philosophical offshoots which lack the influence to command representation.  
  • Kaon Etrmagh (kah-oon ee-tuh-maagh) - The Rule of Eternal War is, unsurprisingly, the most militant of the Rules. It espouses a highly conservative philosophy, dedicated to the preservation of traditional hobgoblin society, disapproving of any erosion of the tent system, adoption of foreign marriage customs, the use of sexual gender, fire-flings and in extreme cases any life choices that are not military service, the Devastator's League or the Monastery.
  • Kaon Pagrypni (kah-oon pah-greep-nye) - The Rule of Vigilance represents a philsophy of constance watchfulness, both within and without. Its focus is on preventing the rise, or at worst ensuring the fall, of tyrants, but also on maintaining a watch on neighbouring cultures for signs of moral or military hostility.
  • Kaon Skyridras (kah-oon skee-rye-drahsh) - The Rule of Shadowed Action is a secretive group dedicated to the protection of hobgoblins and their interests across Aiaos, a cause they prosecute #by any means necessary.'
  • Kaon Kalliegoliki (kah-oon kall-ee-goo-lee-kee) - The Rule of Universal Cultivation is a highly mystical sect, focused on the development of the powers of the Iron Mind, even above their deployment for the good of society.
  • Kaon Erotis (kah-oon ee-roh-ties) - The Rule of Questioning is a radical Rule, only recently recognised. Their philosophy is anti-authoritarian and individualistic.
  • Kaon Podocha (kah-oon poh-doo-kah) - The Rule of Acceptance is one of the largest Rules, dedicated to the diligent consideration of new ideas and foreign influences, and their incorporation into the patterns of hobgoblin society.
  • Kaon Aftognos (kah-oon ahf-toog-noos) - The Rule of Self-Knowledge is a small and inward-looking Rule. Primarily dedicated to the self-improvement of its followers, it also looks to the inner health of the Monastery and the wider body politic of the various hobgoblin societies.
  Nastrui (nahs-troo-ee, sing nastru) are smaller, local groupings, almost always mixing members from two or more rules, who work and frequently live together in a shared charterhouse called a kefal (kee fahl). A cloister's policies and philosophy will be dictated by its members, and respresented by the chosen prin.   The Way has both lay and sworn members (adherents and acolytes), with the former undertaking the majority of clerical and administrative work while the latter focus on training and philosophical discourse. Senior members of the Monastery may take on a variety of roles:  
  • Melat (mee-laat) - pastor; senior adherent, responsible for aspects of maintaining a nastrui and ensuring the health and wellbeing of the kefal.
  • Parklet (paa-kleet) - advocate; senior adherent, responsible for relations with civil and military authority.
  • Stynoi (stee-noh-ee) - enforcer; senior acolyte, responsible for keeping the peace and fighting corruption in areas under the auspices of the Monastery.
  • Skia (skee-ah) - shadow; senior acolyte, responsible for representing the Monastery's interests in areas where they are not welcomed. Shadows may be ambassadors, agents or a mix of both.
  • Sofist (soo-fyst) - teacher; senior acolyte, responsible for teaching and developing the various philosphical principles of the Monastery.
  • Prin (prine) - prior; senior acolyte, leading the councils of a cloister and charterhouse.
  • Prinsofi (preen-soo-fy) - first teacher; elected or selected representative of a Rule of the Way.
  The nearest the Monastery has to a ruling body is the Iron Council, a collective of leading thinkers and speakers who debate and discourse on the overall direction and policies of the Monastery.
Religious, Monastic Order


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