Elixir Fey Character in Agrophon | World Anvil
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Elixir Fey

The god of transmutation and undoing, healing magic, forgetfulness, roguery, and upheaval of society and nature. She takes the form of a goblin with extremely long hair, which spills across the ground and over her elaborate dress in waves of ashy white. Her skin is a natural color for goblins, but an extremely unnatural gradient, more befitting of a tree. The vertical streaks down her face make her look gaunt or even leprous; as a goblin she takes the form of a 30-year-old, but as a plant her appearance has been aging for centuries.   While she dresses to evoke the comfort and hopefulness of spring, the creatures in her domain contrast her in their bright autumnal colors: phoenixes, red foxes, and a dozen fiery variants of birds and fish.

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