Augury Profession in Agrophon | World Anvil
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Agrophon is large, interconnected, and drowning in war, so the most useful magic tends to be the kind that gathers information. Augurs are artisanal clerics who identify danger and guide people to their goals, by polling the many minor deities in Agrophon.   Most augurs are able to magically find objects, though scrying on living things is more complicated. They can also scan a location for danger, and warn people if they're about to head into an impossible battle. These spells take a while to cast and are pretty expensive, especially during wartime, when every bit of data counts.   Developments - Act III
Under Monarch's influence, the augury system is shut down, and travelers and armies are left blind. Augur spells can still be cast by consulting a single deity, who can't return as much information. Some of these spells can also be performed using arcane magic.

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