The Brotherhood of the New Dawn Organization in Agoén | World Anvil
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The Brotherhood of the New Dawn

The Fall of the Empire of Carodin in 1472PC and the subsequent eruption of bloody conflicts, known as The Cleansing made it almost impossible for loyalists to openly align themselves with the Olidäe. Those who survived the Defeat of the Exiles of Gnabanan in 1483PC were forced into hiding but tried to maintain contact to each other. A secret order was established, named the Brotherhood of the New Dawn. The goal of the Brotherhood (often called a cult by their enemies) was to maintain the knowledge of the old empire and keep the memory of the old kings alive. The groups were small and lived far away from each other as well as any civilization, mostly in forests, hills or remote valleys.   The remebrance quickly turned into religious veneration of "the old ones", further increased by the isolated existence of the small communities. Places of worship, dug into the ground to be concealed, were constructed along with altars and statues of the old kings. Some groups even started to write down collections of old knowledge, especially after the founding generation of the Brotherhood has died. The written knowledge began to be transferred between the separated communities via secret meetings. Despite the danger of those meetings (any veneration of the Olidäe was and is still outlawed in the successor realms) the Brootherhood exists to this day and might even grow bigger. The secretive manner of the Brotherhood makes any estimates on member count futile but rumours have it that even people from higher classes of society begin to show interest....

Through Darkness into Light

Founding Date
around 1275 PC
Religious, Cult


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