The Frozen Anvil Building / Landmark in Age of New Gods / Rifts of Sarusan | World Anvil
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The Frozen Anvil

Feywick's blacksmith shop, run by a grouchy Svirfneblin named Wunzalpam Eldose.

Purpose / Function

Using secret techniques, Wunzalpam uses the Frozen Anvil to craft weapons without using much fire. She is one of the only ones in Nibel with easy access to cold iron, however she refuses to sell it to anyone without the approval of the mayor.


The Frozen Anvil is around half the size of a normal building, and is one of the few buildings in Feywick built completely out of stone.


Wunzalpam built the Frozen Anvil around 30 years ago. She has recently partnered with Istai's Armaments and begun crafting weapons for them.
Craftsman, Blacksmith / Smithy
Parent Location


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