The Safehearths Settlement in Age of Legend | World Anvil
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The Safehearths

This residential neighborhood started as a series of shacks built against the city's first wooden palisades. As the city grew, so did this neighborhood and it eventually became the home of many of the city's long-term residents. It became the neighborhood of choice for new residents, as it was less expensive than Hilltop . Eventually, the neighborhood became too expensive for the average citizen, and these people flocked to Greenmarket or The Scrabbles . As a result, the neighborhood became home to well-off middle class residents such as small merchants and lower officials. Even before the Scourge, this neighborhood had a criminal element.   Today, this is one of the quieter neighborhoods to live in. Most local craftsmen live here, enjoying the clamer taverns and places of business over the squalor and cacophony of other neighborhoods such as The Scrabbles or The Stables . As long as protection money is paid to the Force of the Eye , the craftsmen of this neighborhood are generally pretty safe.
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