Greenmarket Settlement in Age of Legend | World Anvil
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The Greenmarket is one of the newest of Kratas neighborhoods and the closest to the southern gate. Before the Scourge, this neighborhood was the domain of farmers who farmed near the city and a place for farmers from other villages to sell their wares.   After the Scourge, the farmers near Kratas once again tried to sell their wares to the thieves within the city and some trade success was achieved. Unfortunately, the nature of the City of Thieves soon asserted itself and farmers began to report their crops or profits stolen. The brutality of the muggings escalated and soon farmers refused to bring their wares to Kratas. A famine broke out in the city, leading to malnutrition or bloody fights over the remaining scraps of food. Garlthik One-Eye stepped in, proclaming that all farmers bringing food into Kratas were under the protection of the Force of the Eye and the most egregious offenders were publicly executed.   As a result, the famine was ended and farmers once more began to supply the city with food. The city learned it's lesson and the farmers are no longer assaulted or molested. The Force of the Eye metes out serious punishment to those that are caught stealing form or assaulting the farmers. Of course, the protection has certain limits. It is assumed that it only extends to farmers while in the neighborhood and is understood to only be in force during daylight hours. As a result, there are malcontents in the neighborhood that try to lure naive countryfolk deeper into the city, where the protections do not stand. It's also important to note that the protectiosn do not extend to the customers of the farmers; the residents of the city are expected to be able to fight for themselves.
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