The Brewery Building / Landmark in Age of Legend | World Anvil
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The Brewery

Pre-Scourge, a number of breweries, creating several different brews, operated out of Greenmarket . Today, a few of the least-damaged breweries have been rebuilt and consolidated into one large facility. This facility has a monopoly on alcohol production within the city.   The brewmaster is a t'skrang named Fiktish'la . Much of what she brews she is not proud of, calling it swill as it is quickly brewed from whatever grain is cheapest and the quality ranges from mediocre at best to nearly undrinkable. Regardless, it is readily consumed by those in the city.   The brewmaster has a number of specialty brews however, for those that have a more discerning palate. Her signature ale is called firebrew, and it is made with various local spices and peppers. The ale is quite popular with the ork scorcher cowed.   When possible, the t'skrang gets ingredients imported from the Serpent River , a brew made from fermented fish that few consider to e anything better than rancid and pungent, though it is popular among the T'skrang of Kratas .   To help protect against thieves, Fiktish'la brews a "Thieves Special Blend," a slow acting and deadly poison that blends tastelessly into any of her drinks. She puts this blend in any number of barrels, bottles and casks in the brewery, marked with an elaborate code of symbols that only she knows to avoid accidentally selling the poisoned brew. This practice is well-known, and the brewmaster likes it this way. Savvy tavern keepers will refuse any of her brews unless delivered by her employees.
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