Quick Feet Quick Fingers Organization in Age of Legend | World Anvil
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Quick Feet Quick Fingers

Less of a gang and more of a "Thieves' Compact," this group is a loose-knit collection of elite burglar-thieves united by a pholosophy that states that they are the ture followers of the Thief Discipline and most others in Kratas have departed from its true path.   They believe that protection rackets are for thugs and that even Garlthik One-Eye has strayed for the path by setting up as a figure of authority. They refuse to pay any money to the Force of the Eye , even the money required to enter the city. As a result, all members of the group must sneak into Kratas. This makes them something of a band of outlaws, even among the thieves of Kratas.   The band is not stupid however and takes care to avoid directly confronting Garlthik One-Eye , preferring to instead use the city as a base of operations for planning thefts elsewhere.   Though they are all mid to high-level Thieves, and quite handy with the dagger, the group views the spilling of blood while on a job as a sign of sloppiness, a sign that an error must have been made int eh commission of the crime. They do not, however, shun the use of violence when necessary.   The group is small, numbering less than twenty thieves, who rarely cooperate on a job. Instead, they share information and advice on scores, techniques and fences and form small partnerships of usually two to three thieves when it's necessary to pull off a larger heist. There is no formal hierarchy for the group.   The group has taken over a mansion in The Safehearths to use as a headquarters. The bulding includes a large central meeting room, kitchen, sleeping quarters open to any member of the group and a few rooms where the group collecs locks, chests, traps and other devices as trophies of their exploits and training tools for new members. Most members have private residences elsewhere in The Safehearths where they sleep
Illicit, Other

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