Solis Church Organization in Afterworld | World Anvil

Solis Church

Solites are the follows of Solis. He is all and everything that is good and light in the universe. Opposing Solis, is the God Umbras, who is everything evil and dark. Since the beginning of time, these gods have battled with each other for control of the world. This is the core belief of all Solites.

Mythology & Lore

In the first age, there was nothing, only darkness. And from that darkness, Umbras was molded. The world he built was savage and unrulely. He created the sun, a black pit of cruelty in which everything evil and rotten was born from. But with so much evil in the world, those men who remained untouched by the darkstar and were true to themselves prayed for a better world. They prayed for the light. At their command, the dark star turned to bright white and with it, the whole world was illuminated in holy energy. Then Solis was born. Solis became the soul of the sun and guided his light where it needed to be. The creatures from the night were purged in it's holy fire and those who survived ran towards the night to be saved.
After Solis was born and the darkness retreated, the world became an eternal struggle of darkness and light. A struggle that still continues today.

Tenets of Faith

The solis faith is known for the Five Tenants. Five primary sins that lead man from the path of sol towards the darkness of Umbris.


Arrogance is the sin of pride and lack of humility. A common sin from those in positions of power and authority. The worst of Arrogance is to not simply believe you're greater than your fellow man, but to believe yourself greater than Sol.


Craving is the Sin of desire and want for what you cannot or shouldn't have. Those who take part in heavy drinking, gorging meals, lusting after someone who's wedded, or stealing, are all sins from Craving. 


Deciet is the Sin of deception and oathbreaking. It is believed that words carry great power and when those words are broken, you are commiting deciet. Those who commit deciet will soon find they cannot even trust themselves.


Destruction is the Sin of murder, rage, and violence. Those who give themselves to destruction are said to take pleasure in death and will in kind, be treated with death.


Indolence is the sin of carelessness and laziness. If a knight fails to protect their lord because of their slowness or a farmer fails to harvest their crops because of over sleeping, then they're commiting Indolence.


The Priesthood of Solis is a top down organization with their central temple located in Karlanis known as the Seats of Agra. The Priesthood has a hierarchy broken up between The Three Pillars. These seperate branches are known as, The Faith Keepers, The Law Keepers, and the Sisters of Wellness. Depending on the size of the community. A single church may have over a hundred members or less than ten. In some areas, if a church is too small, they might not be able to properly form each branch and may just have a single priest who carries out all of the duties.

Faith Keepers

The faith keepers are the core of the church, acting as translators of the Buscholark. They often serve the general public, acting as spiritual advisors and counselors. Faith Keepers also give daily sermons and conduct religious holidays.

Law Keepers

The Law Keepers at as judges and enforcers of the religious text. If a law is broken that is deemed heretical, such as condemning Sol, then the Law Keepers will step in to punish the sinner. While most of their rule revolves around religious law. If a community is too small for the local guards to handle a crime, the Law Keepers may step in to assist.

Sisters of Wellness

The sisters of Wellness is the only priesthood that allows for women to serve in it. They are in charge of treating with the health of people. If someone is to die, they're tasked with burial rites and if someone is born, they're required to assist mothers if needed.
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