Industrial Zone Settlement in Afterlight | World Anvil

Industrial Zone

Across the river to the east is the area of the city which contains most of the city's industrial buildings and warehouses. It is sparsely populated even during the work day and notorious for strange happenings and other questionable events.  
  • Rusty and Rat-infested.
  The Industrial Zone of White Crest is a vast expanse of warehouses, factories, and industrial complexes that stretches for miles on end. The area is a hive of activity, with the constant hum of machinery and the smell of smoke and chemicals in the air.   The warehouses and factories in the Industrial Zone are massive structures, towering above the streets and casting long shadows across the surrounding neighborhoods. Many of the buildings are old and weathered, with rusted metal facades and broken windows. Others are more modern and sleek, with polished glass exteriors and state-of-the-art security systems.   The streets of the Industrial Zone are wide and busy, with trucks and forklifts moving goods and materials in and out of the warehouses at all hours of the day and night. The noise is deafening, with the screeching of brakes and the beeping of horns echoing through the streets.   Despite the constant activity, the Industrial Zone is also a place of danger. The area is filled with hazardous materials and dangerous machinery, and accidents are all too common. Workers labor long hours in grueling conditions, often for low wages and with little job security.   The Industrial Zone is also home to many of White Crest's most powerful corporations, who have set up their headquarters in the area to take advantage of the cheap labor and proximity to shipping and transportation. These corporations wield immense power and influence over the city, and their reach extends far beyond the Industrial Zone.   As the sun sets over the Industrial Zone, the streets empty out and the warehouses grow quiet. But even in the darkness, the machines continue to hum and the smoke continues to rise, a constant reminder of the industry and innovation that drive White Crest forward.
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