Mapping the world after the Fog : After the Fog Roadmap in After the Fog | World Anvil

Mapping the world after the Fog : After the Fog Roadmap

Believe it or not, this world is my second most developed world, only beaten by The Spheres of Oblogga. The thing is, most of it is written in French, quite poorly and in need of translation. However, I have big plans for a setting dear to me. Besides the fascinating and deadly aspects of the world, it allows for a variety of stories.


And when many stories are possible, you know what it means: it is the perfect setting for a roleplaying game! The rules are still a work in progress, but it will take inspiration from existing masterpieces: Call of C'thulhu for the mental and psychological horror aspect, White Wolf for the game system, with some ideas of my own, obviously. It will certainly undergo many iterations, but I am thrilled to work on a game!


But first, the lore! The first step will be to translate everything that's been written in French, improving the style while I'm at it. It should have an intense focus on psychological horror and dark irony, and anchor the articles in the world through the pen of the passers. The articles will mainly be about one of three themes:


The seven main guilds


Heart and soul of the children of the fog, the seven main guilds have the most members by far. Each has its own rules and lifestyle. They work together for the survival of the community, abiding solely by their rules. They will also represent the factions players can join: the leadership of the F.I.S.H., the freedom of the Prowlers, the strong Wardens, the creativity of the Zoo, the communitary Gathering, the wild Misty Dogs and the enigmatic Wayne Sorcerers. In addition, there are many minor guilds of lesser importance that actively take part in the life of Detroit.

What lurks in the Fog


Many dangers, not all physical, roam amidst the fog banks. From lesser monsters to things beyond comprehension, it seems that there is no limit to the horrors hidden in the mist. Yet, passers try to make a bestiary of the most common or recurrent antagonists, as well as the methods to survive them.

Children of the Fog


After the Fog is primarily about the child left on their own in a world so tiny yet so vast. It is about the people, all the individual stories that cross over. This setting is probably my smallest in terms of area, but at the same time, it is swirling with thousands of little lives that are not extras. Thus, it is where there will be the greatest amount of characters. All those stories won't end well. In fact, very few will.


When the world will be more fleshed out, I will begin to work on the ruleset: character sheet templates, GM information bubbles, stats and tables. This phase will go along with the addition of even more articles, and will probably take some time. I have no idea how much, since it will be my first time doing it. Maps, scenariis and everything required to start a campaign will be provided.


Also, did you notice the CSS theme? I did it myself, that's why it is hurting your eyes. That will need some serious work, too. Now that I am Grandmaster I can tune the text the way that I planned originally. At some point a huge CSS overhaul will happen, eventually. In the meantime, I may revert to a default WA theme. Although none of them is quite close to what I want for this world, they are at least pretty.


And finally, the work will be finished with the final touch: short stories describing the life path of many characters, from the insignificant F.I.S.H. worker to the crazy head of the Misty Dogs. Then, everything will be consistent and thick enough so I could be done with this world and leave it be. Of course, I will never call it a day and new content will be added forever, but that's another subject.


Lot to do, but it is not a very high priority at the moment. Other projects require most of the time I have, which is unfortunately not unlimited. Feel free to check them out!


Cover image: by Rumengol via MidJourney


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