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Detectives and Investigators of Magical Crimes

"I recall an encounter with a Widowbird, Marcellus by name, who once visited my lair. He wisely refrained from impugning my actions, so our conversation was somewhat pleasant. Not that I am in dire need to repeat such a vist. While the laws of witchcraft in Morvathia are laughably restrictive for a talent of my magnitude, I concede that these Widowbirds serve a vital role. They keep the less capable and criminally inclined of our kind from plunging our society into chaos. Nevertheless, let them be warned: should they dare to meddle in my affairs or research, they'll find that even a bird of their cunning can have its wings clipped, permanently, by my hand."
— From: "A Comprehensive Guide to Morvathia's Mysteries" by Salama the Dragonwitch

Investigators of the Arcane

  In the realm of Morvathia, where witchcraft is a part of daily life, the Widowbirds serve as an important link between the power of the law and the unpredictable forces of magic. These inspectors specialize in arcane, mystical, and occult matters, dedicating their skills to solving magical crimes that baffle ordinary minds.   The title "Widowbird" stems not from their official designation, which is simply "Inspector," but from the distinctive cloaks they wear. These cloaks, reminiscent of the tailfeathers of the Anatarian Widowbird, mark their unique status and role within Morvathian society.   Widowbirds are known throughout the realm as a formidable group, deeply respected for their expertise and investigative prowess. They are essential in maintaining order and justice, particularly in cases involving rogue witches and other dangerous spellcasters. Their role is not just to enforce the law but to protect the integrity of Morvathia's magical society.  

Relationship to the Court of the Chalice

  In the judicial hierarchy of Morvathia, the Widowbirds occupy a unique and crucial position, functioning under the aegis of the Court of the Chalice. This central authority of law enforcement within the Witchrealm, employs the Widowbirds as a specialized extension of its judicial system. While they are part of the justice apparatus, their roles and responsibilities are markedly distinct from those of Magistrates, Constables, Advocates, and other officials typically associated with the Court.   Widowbirds are not tethered to specific districts or cities within Morvathia. They operate independently of the conventional supervisory roles over trials or city guards. Their deployment is situational and highly targeted, often initiated at the behest of a Justiciar or Magistrate who recognizes the need for their specialized skills in an unfolding investigation.   The expertise of each Widowbird is often narrowly tailored, encompassing diverse and esoteric fields of magic such as alchemy, necrospiritism, or zoomancy. This specialization means that when a particular magical discipline is required to untangle the threads of a case, Justiciars or Magistrates can summon a Widowbird whose knowledge aligns with the case's needs. Consequently, Widowbirds are peripatetic figures, seldom anchored to one locale. They lead lives of transient assignments, always prepared to venture to any corner of Morvathia where their unique abilities are called upon.  

Birds of Many Feathers

  The recruitment process for the Widowbirds stands in stark contrast to the traditional pathways followed by other officials within the Court of the Chalice. Distinctively, Widowbirds are often drawn from outside the typical judicial and bureaucratic circles. This divergent approach to their selection underscores the eclectic and multifaceted nature of the roles they fulfill.   The majority of Widowbirds have either previously been aligned with or continue to maintain strong connections to the Morvathian Coven. Given the Coven's pivotal role in safeguarding and propagating the art of witchcraft throughout the Witchrealm, it is a fertile ground for nurturing the kind of deep, specialized knowledge that becomes invaluable in the work of a Widowbird. Their ranks include those who have served in various capacities within the Coven's extensive network—be it as guards, aides to Grandmasters, or researchers across the myriad smaller covens. These experiences often provide them with the profound understanding necessary for addressing the complexities of magical crimes, making them prime candidates for roles as advisors or direct assistants in investigations led by the Court's Constables.   However, the scope of recruitment for Widowbirds extends beyond the confines of the Coven. Justiciars are known to seek out individuals from diverse organizations such as the City Watch or the Night's Cloak. These are individuals who have faced and overcome the perils posed by rogue witches and other magical entities, relying on practical, real-world experience. Their proven capability in handling dangerous situations makes them particularly suited for the oft-perilous tasks of a Widowbird.   Academic circles are not excluded from this recruitment pool. Scholars from prestigious institutions like the Arcanum Dona Viperia or the Auricent Academy, often find themselves drawn into the world of magical investigation. It is not uncommon for those who once held minor teaching positions to transition into roles as Widowbirds, bringing with them a scholarly perspective to the investigation of magical crimes.   This diverse array of backgrounds ensures that no two Widowbirds are alike in their approach and methodology. In this unique constellation, the value placed on knowledge and investigative acumen is paramount, resulting in a profession where spellcasters are equally as common as non-spellcasters.  

Tools of the Trade

  The investigative arsenal of the Widowbirds is as varied as their backgrounds, comprising a blend of arcane instruments, traditional detective methods, and specialized magical techniques. This diverse arsenal of tools allows them to navigate the complex and ever-changing terrain of magical crime with tremendous adaptability.   At the heart of their arsenal are alchemical kits, meticulously assembled and often personalized to suit the specific needs of each Widowbird. These kits are indispensable for detecting and analyzing the myriad magical substances and concoctions. In addition to these kits, some Widowbirds carry an assortment of self-formulated potions. These concoctions are designed to heighten their sensory perceptions or provide protection against residual spell effects that might linger at a site of magical disturbance.   Divination plays a significant role in some Widowbirds' methodology. Utilizing tools such as bones, oracle cards, or crystal balls, they seek insights into past occurrences or glimpse potential future events. These divinatory practices are usually adapted from their traditional form, to suit the nuanced demands of a particular Inspector.   Personalized trinkets, often imbued with magic, form another essential part of their repertoire. These items, enchanted either by the Widowbirds themselves or by their allies within the Morvathian Coven, are tailored to serve specific functions. Amulets that shield against particular spells, rings enabling long-distance communication, or charms that augment their inherent investigative skills are just a few examples of the enchanted objects they might employ.  
The Geist
  Most noteworthy in their array of tools is the "geist," a remarkable creature born from the meticulous art of alchemical creation from House Florindale. These beings, comparable in size to a large dog, possess an elongated serpentine body supported by slender, spider-like limbs. Their most striking feature is an oversized, singular eye that crowns their triangular head; otherwise they lack other visible facial features such as a mouth or nose. This eye, multifaceted and glimmering like a precious gem, emits a soft inner light, endowing the creature with the ability to pierce through veils of darkness, illusions, and other forms of magical subterfuge.   The geist's eye is not its only remarkable feature. Encircling its head is a ruff of thin, membrane-like frills, sensitive to the merest whisper of magical energies in the air. These frills, reactive to the presence of magic, stand erect and shift in color when encountering illusions, effectively signaling the presence of arcane deceit.   The creature conveys information through a complex language of minute gestures and chromatic shifts in its eye, necessitating a deep level of attunement from its handler. This silent but profound bond makes the geist an invaluable companion in the investigation of magical crime scenes, capable of uncovering secrets that would otherwise remain hidden from even the most observant of eyes. For a Widowbird, the geist is not merely a tool but a crucial ally, and for most a beloved pet and companion.
Alternative Names
Inspector of the Chalice
Investigation, Detective Work, Expertise in the Arcane, Occult and Mystical
The Court of the Chalice
The Morvathian Coven
The Witchrealm of Morvathia


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