The Witchrealm of Morvathia Organization in After Silence | World Anvil
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The Witchrealm of Morvathia

A Realm Shaped by Witchcraft

"I was hatched in a time before the Age of Witches, when the High Divine still reigned supreme over the land. But as the witches began to rise to power, I found myself drawn to their craft. Over the decades, I have witnessed the evolution of this land's culture and history, and let me tell you, there is power in witch blood that even the wisest among us have yet to uncover. But worry not, dear reader, for I, the great Salama, am here to uncover those mysteries and shed light on the unknown. Through my tireless pursuit of knowledge and mastery of the arcane, I shall push the boundaries of what is known, and reveal the true depth and breadth of Morvathia's majestic power. So sit back, relax, and witness the brilliance of my research and discovery. Know that, as you hold this tome in your hands, you are in the presence of true greatness."
— From: "A Comprehensive Guide to Morvathia's Mysteries" by Salama the Dragonwitch
  Morvathia is a realm of unbound magic, where the threads of spellcraft, demonology, and the arcane are woven together seamlessly. Rooted in rebellion against the Divine Dominion of Galdorsmynd, the Morvathians treasure their independence and personal freedom, with witchcraft serving as a symbol of their triumph over oppression. Each year, the illustrious "Liberation of Morvathia" festival pays homage to their ancestors' relentless struggle, culminating in the mesmerizing "Great Witch's Dance" - a mystical midnight revelry where the witches of the realm unite to showcase their power and forge unbreakable bonds.   Thirteen witch families rule over the realm, yet the practice of witchcraft extends far beyond their own ranks. Within the wider populace witchblood is common enough to give rise to practicing witches in every corner of society. The very fabric of life in major cities is intricately adorned with shops, learning facilities, and services dedicated to the mystical arts. Here, the pursuit of arcane knowledge is not merely celebrated; it is revered and actively encouraged, nurtured by the venerable Morvathian Coven, custodians of magical education and groundbreaking research.   To the Morvathians, witchcraft is more than just a craft—it is a sacred birthright, a poignant emblem of the sacrifices made by their resilient ancestors. Yet a stark chasm divides those graced with the gift of witchcraft and those bereft of such blessings. While city dwellers cherish witchcraft as their shared cultural heritage, those dwelling in rural hamlets perceive witches as gatekeepers to prosperity and influence.   Intriguingly, some families in the countryside actively seek to foster children displaying nascent witching abilities, yearning to ascend the social ladder. Conversely, there are those who view witchblood as a mark of elitist oppression, accentuating the cultural divide between these factions. Nevertheless, magic remains an indelible tapestry in the fabric of Morvathian culture, shaping their beliefs and customs in ways unfathomable to the uninitiated  

The People of the Witchrealm

  Morvathia is a vibrant and diverse melting pot of species and cultures. While humans, each possessing varying degrees of witchblood, constitute the majority, the realm's allure has drawn people from all corners of Netherdyn, culminating in a cosmopolitan society. Here, the open practice of magic and witchcraft beckons seekers of knowledge and freedom alike. This has led to a strong bond between Morvathia and the southern realm of Anatara, with their noble families often intermarrying and sharing customs and traditions. Anatarian cuisine, music and fashion is often valued in the high society of Morvathia's noble class.   While the Curse of the Beast had driven people out of Demenore more than a century ago, the descendants of those refugees have found a new home in Morvathia. The Dunweil's historic role as a safe haven for Demenorian refugees has fostered a strong sense of community and solidarity among its residents. Over time, the cultural symbiosis between the refugees' descendants and the existing Morvathian society has enriched the realm's traditions, as well.   Due to their history with the Divine Dominion, Morvathians also have a significant amount of Alben blood in their genetic makeup. Alblings, the offspring of humans and Albs, are a common sight in the landscapes of Firnland and Avasland. Despite any wariness towards the High Albs, Morvathians treat Alblings with the same respect as each other, embracing their unique features as just another threads in the realm's diverse cultural fabric.  
Non-Human Population
  At the heart of Morvathia's technological revolution lies the varlori, closely linked to House Siegmund. Masters of arcane technology, they have spurred remarkable advancements within the realm, establishing enclaves in various cities where their architecture and culture flourish. Varlori artisans contribute their expertise as esteemed engineers, skilled smiths, and gifted craftsmen, resulting in the fusion of Varlori styles with Morvathia's own, yielding something entirely new and mesmerizing.   Venturing into Morvathia's countryside reveals the reclusive kobucks, a curious race reminiscent of goats. Beloved creations of the deity known as "The Horned Father," Kobucks have graced these lands since the arrival of the New Gods. In their tranquil existence, they tend to crops and lovingly nurture their farmlands. Revered as cherished friends and partners, Kobucks find warm welcomes in many farming villages, where their presence is celebrated for the bounty they bestow. Throughout the realm, Kobuck merchants sell their fresh produce in bustling weekly markets.   Morvathia is known for its relaxed social norms and liberal attitudes, enticing visitors from realms near and far. While outsiders may perceive Morvathians as resolute and prideful, their hearts harbor no trace of xenophobia. Instead, they embrace all wanderers with open arms, transforming Morvathia into a sanctuary where souls from distant lands converge. Among the seekers are, for example, the knowledge-hungry quillows from the Floating Archipelago of Euwlingaard and various visitors from the Free Realm of Bittermarsh.  

A Culture of Opulence

  Often perceived as garish and exuberant by outsiders, the realm's culture is a jubilant celebration of freedom and defiance, a vibrant contrast to cultural emphasis on quiet dignity, modesty, and restrain imposed during its days as a vassal state to the Divine Dominion. It was during those formative days of liberation, that the people embraced their newfound autonomy and the witches reveled in defying the traditional norms, celebrating their sovereignty through a splendid display of vibrant colors, extravagant fashion, and lively music.  
Bewitching Cuisine
  Despite its comparable small size the realm of Morvathia boasts a culinary scene as diverse and rich as any other. The melding of the western and eastern shores, both embracing the abundant gifts of the ocean, infuses Morvathian cuisine with a delightful array of seafood delicacies. Along the coasts, one can relish in the succulence of salted and smoked fish, tender squid, and briny clams. Meanwhile, the vast forests of Guland, Firnland, and Knightroot offer wild game, which grace the tables of rustic inns and homes.   At the heart of Morvathia, in Avasland and Rubisgrad, emerges the realm's verdant cornucopia, where fields of fresh fruits and vibrant vegetables flourish. Luscious apples, plump carrots, hearty turnips, and earthy potatoes, among others, are lovingly nurtured. These regions of Morvathia are also especially renowned for their cheese varieties, such as the velvety and buttery Velveter Veil semi-soft cheese, and the firmer, visually striking Edermont Ember. The kitchens of the countryside otherwise hum with the creation of stews, pot roasts, and savory meat pies, filled with an assortment of meats and innards, each offering a variety of tastes and textures. Soups, crafted from simmering bones and root vegetables, warm both body and soul during chillier days.   The cosmopolitan heart of Morvathia adds a touch of exoticism to the realm's tables, satiating the desires of the upper echelons of society. Thanks to cultural exchanges with Morvathia's allied nation of Anatara, patrons can savor spicy curries, delicate veggie dumplings, and sumptuous cottage cheese adorned with an assortment of fresh chutneys and tomato sauces.   Beyond its delectable cuisine, the realm of Knightroot takes pride in its vineyards, with Bockinfield, Owlbrunich, and Oldkurich reigning as its foremost oenophilic havens. Renowned for their production of a particularly sweet vintage, these vineyards entice both locals and visitors alike. Morvathia's love for the art of brewing finds its expression in counties like Rubisgrad and Avasland, known for their light and amber-hued beer.  
Enchanted Fashion
  Within the realm of Morvathia, fashion becomes an extension of a witch's very magical identity. Adorned with intricate details and opulent embellishments, witch clothing bears hallmarks of the mystical arts. Embroidered sigils, mystical symbols, and gemstones, each resonating with magic, breathe life into these captivating garments. Natural materials like silk, cotton, and linen are favored, allowing for ease of movement and comfort during the fervor of spellcasting. Enchanted fabrics, such as shimmering cloths and color-shifting silk, weave a bewitching allure into the wardrobe of the discerning witch. A kaleidoscope of rich hues graces these ensembles—be it the regal reds, majestic purples, or ethereal blues—often serving as vibrant highlights amidst a canvas of black, dark grey, or pure white.   Elegantly flowing dresses and skirts become the cherished garb of female witches, while their male counterparts favor the dignified attire of vests, jackets, frock coats, and trousers. However, fashion in Morvathia defies gender norms, with jewelry and accessories like rings, necklaces, and amulets transcending the boundaries of gender, enriching the enchantment of any outfit. Hats and headpieces, a symbol of a witch's power and status, adorn the heads of all with pointed hats and elaborate headbands gracing every witch's ensemble.   Morvathia's fashion is not confined to a single monolithic style. Rather, it blossoms across the realm, with each region infusing its own distinct visual identity into the tapestry of fashion. In Dunweil, practicality and sturdiness define their garments, meanwhile, the feathered coats and dresses of Blackfather Isle exude a graceful allure, mirroring their island home's ethereal essence. In the high society of Avasland, opulence knows no bounds, and outlandish and bold colors reign supreme, a testament to their lavish tastes.   Even among the commonfolk, garments bearing mystical symbols and intricate patterns are donned with pride, demonstrating unwavering support for the realm's rich magical heritage. Among the general populace, the traditional Morvathian garb, boasting loose, flowing garments adorned with ornate embroidery, remains a beloved and popular style, uniting the people in their cultural tapestry. Fashion in Morvathia is not just a matter of appearance; it is a profound expression of magic, culture, and identity that weaves a spellbinding narrative throughout the realm.  
A Collective of Faith
  In Morvathian society religion takes on a distinctly different hue compared to its former oppressor of the Divine Dominion. Here, faith plays a more subdued role, forgoing central organization and allowing for the organic growth of diverse cults and churches across the realm. Unlike the tightly woven fabric of Galdorsmynd's religious structure, the religious landscape of Morvathia is a patchwork of devotion, where worship of the Pantheon of the New Gods thrives.   Temples dedicated to the new gods pepper both major cities and humble settlements, their grandeur as diverse as the gods they honor. In smaller hamlets, shrines adorned with offerings to the entire Pantheon stand as symbols of unity and cooperation. Meanwhile, the larger cities boast individual temples, each a unique work of artistry, venerating a single deity with reverence and adoration.   Yet, amidst this harmonious symphony of worship, there exists an outlier—the Church of the First Humans. A dissident voice in the chorus of Morvathian beliefs, its followers shun the veneration of the new gods and the practice of witchcraft alike. For them, salvation lies in the embrace of the teachings of the Divine Parents, with the hope of returning to the glory and immortality of the first humans before the Age of Silence descended upon the world. The allure of this rhetoric, particularly among those who perceive witches as gatekeepers to power, grants the Church a fervent following among certain segments of the populace.   Although the Church's ideology may be considered controversial, it has yet to prompt significant backlash from the thirteen ruling houses. Regarded as relatively benign, the Church of the First Humans continues to carve its unique niche in the diverse religious landscape of Morvathia. However, more and more concerned voices are being raised, advocating for the church's potential banishment due to its dangerous teachings.  

The Thirteen, the Queen and the Coven

  In Morvathia the course of governance is steered by thirteen venerable families of witches, collectively known as "The Thirteen." Among this esteemed council, one family holds the coveted position of Witchqueen or Witchking, their resplendent abode being the grand Glimmering Citadel nestled in the realm's heart, Vilandsburg. At the present, this throne is graced by the commanding presence and revered wisdom of Queen Faustina Valtessa, whose sharp intellect and unwavering willpower command widespread respect.  
Ruler of the Counties
  Within the Thirteen, seven houses are recognized as major, each governing over one of the realm's seven counties. The remaining six houses, deemed minor, wield lesser influence in comparison. Biannually, the heads of these households convene within the resplendent halls of Guland's Crown, wherein the esteemed Realmshall is located, to address pressing matters of state. The discussions may be attended in person or by trusted representatives of the respective houses.   In these meetings, decisions of great urgency are put to vote, with all thirteen houses holding a voice, yet the Witchqueen or Witchking has a veto power that forces the Council to postpone and renegotiate a decision. A vote otherwise is deemed valid when it secures a two-thirds majority in favor. These consequential decisions bear profound impact on the realm and its denizens, rendering every voice heard and weighed with utmost care.   The seven counties, under the jurisdiction of the major houses, are governed by leaders who bear the esteemed titles of Count or Countess. Other members of the household carry the designations of Lord, Lady, or Liege. Possessing vast authority, the Counts and Countesses can raise armies, levy taxes, and enact laws governing their respective counties. However, their power finds limitation in their inability to overturn decisions made during meetings of the Thirteen or those set forth by the Witchqueen or Witchking. When circumstances demand, a Count or Countess may challenge a ruling during a household meeting, sparking fervent debates and consequential votes.   Further, each county is subdivided into smaller regions overseen by local barons or baronesses, entrusted with managing the day-to-day affairs of their territories. They, in turn, report to their respective Count or Countess, ensuring a robust chain of command throughout the realm.  
Custodians of Education and Magic
  Supplementing this intricate structure of governance exists a central organization of witches known as the Morvathian Coven. Charged with the critical task of overseeing the realm's magical education and research, the Coven holds the immeasurable influence, with its leadership position of High Witch appointed by the Witchqueen or Witchking. Presently, Lady Isadora Nagastra commands this prestigious position, wielding formidable sway over Morvathia's political landscape while also presiding over the esteemed academy of witchcraft, the Arcanum Dona Viperia.   Within the Morvathian Coven, various smaller covens are tasked with specific aspects of witch culture, ranging from the Coven of Alchemagestry to the Coven of Ceremonial Sorcery and the Coven of Healing & Herbology. Each coven is led by a Grand Master or Grand Mistress, an esteemed title bestowed by the High Witch. The reach of the Morvathian Coven extends far and wide, overseeing significant aspects of education and economy within the realm, ensuring that practitioners of magic adhere to the law and that magical training upholds the Coven's lofty standards. In this intricate dance of power and knowledge, Morvathia's governance and magical heritage flourish harmoniously.  
A Taste of Morvathian Justice
  Next to the Council of the Thirteen and the Morvathian Coven, the Court of the Chalice stands as another central pillar of governance, embodying the essential roles of law enforcement and judicial authority. The Court's name stems from an ancient practice where the outcome of trials was determined by a chalice's contents, ranging from harmless wine to lethal potions, symbolizing the fate of the accused.   Although this practice is less common today, in high-profile cases, the theatricality of the Chalice's judgment persists. The Court's hierarchy features Justiciars and Magistrates at its apex, with Constables, Inspectors, Advocates, and Archivists forming its operational and administrative backbone. Justiciars, representing each county, preside over trials and interpret laws, but their authority doesn't extend to judging members of The Thirteen themselves. However, the Chief Justiciar reports to the Witch Queen directly, giving her insight on current changes to the law made by the major houses - and allowing her to use her veto power quicker if she deems it necessary.   To Morvathians, the Court is a symbol of justice and a counterbalance to the power of witches and nobles, despite perceived biases.  

A history of witchcraft & liberation

  The history of Morvathia narrates the struggle for independence and the unwavering commitment to its core cultural essence: the unfettered pursuit of studying and imparting witchcraft and magic. Spanning from the crowning of its inaugural queen in 1468 A.S. to the contemporary era, Morvathia has witnessed the rule of ten monarchs, each reign marking a distinct epoch in its chronicles. From safeguarding its borders against the Divine Dominion of Galdorsmynd to wresting authority from internal despots who sought to monopolize witches' knowledge and power, Morvathia's journey has been a journey of diverse conflicts that it has successfully endured.


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