Aewyns Cultural Heritage Preservation Building / Landmark in Aewyn | World Anvil

Aewyns Cultural Heritage Preservation

From floor to ceiling, focused scientists and historians sits at their respective table, discovering and logging our history for us all to see and enjoy.
  The Cultural Heritage Preservation (CHP) is one of the largest worldwide organization and represents curiosity and interest in our collective past. The national archives grow every day, and most of the new material comes from the dedicated workers at CHP, where they not only make sure to preserve the archaeological finds, but also write down all the information they can about these items.   Such an organization that is supported and backed by every country in Aewyn, must have an extraordinary and historical building as their headquarters - and you bet they have exactly that. Ancient architecture is the most commonly found around Aewyn and therefore the knowledge of ancient building structures are abundant, so when the time came for a new HQ to be built, the architects made sure to make it look like some of the most magnificent historical buildings ever found.  


  Standing tall and proud, the HQ looks like an old Aewynian temple that was used to worship the sun, Êdgar. With large pillars holding the structure up, made to look like tree trunks, and the outside coloured a rich terracotta, it stands as a reminder of what they all came from and how amazing their ancestors were.   On the inside the layout differs a bit from that of a temple, there is no place to worship gods and preach, but instead, there is a large open hall in the middle where all the floors are visible from. This is where all the magic happens, where you can see all the concentrated and dedicated workers buzzing around on the 4 different floors. In the middle of the hall a beautiful Nila Tree is standing tall, a historical and still very important tree to Aewynians as it is from this three the Soot Sap comes from.   The building was built around a famous Nila Tree in the Ywaryn capital Ellyn where the tree had stood for 334 years. It had served as the monarchs personal Soot Sap tree just outside their gardens. Nowadays a monarch hasn't been around in Ywaryn for around 129 years, so the tree stands as a memory of that era.   And that is also why the Ywara though it a good idea to incorporate the tree in their historical collection.


by CatRobi


  In the Ywaryn Capital Ellyn  

Year of construction

  4681 - 61 years ago.  


  High. This is the biggest collection of cultural and historical heritage and the only place it where it can get preserved correctly.

Cover image: by CatRobi