Lorthal - The Main Continent Geographic Location in Aetheus | World Anvil

Lorthal - The Main Continent

The homeland of the Humans and Dwarves, once ruled by the elves before their grand departure to the Feywild before the end of the Divine War and the Divergence. Host to the many new burgeoning western-continent kingdoms of man, dominated mostly by the Imperial Sovereignty of Martzhein and their Horse Lords. Also home to Dun Morough in Central Lorthal, the heart of the dwarven kingdom of the Alloyar Shaperate, led by 'the High Tetrarch of the Alloyar Shaperate'. In the early centuries of the Post-Divergence, the lost Arkspire of Dion-Leora had returned from the Feywild and sought to reclaim the lost Elven Lands and return their great kingdom to its former glories - residing within the eastern continental peninsula of Dionessar. Acting as a neutral power, and built upon an old treatise agreed to between the Humans and Dwarves with the High Elves, is the magical metropolis of the Free Protectorate of Canterune, and the innovative academies of mages seeking peace and isolation in their studies.   The lands are home to a multitude of other races that work under the three main powers of Lorthal, and have become burdened by its many rivalries and prior wars. Mainly residing there are the wandering Halflings that make home in hamlets and villages across Lorthal, the industrious Gnomes of the Knuckledust Isles that tend to reside in their own private laboratories and urban research-centres or even within hidden villages within the forests, Kenku wander aimlessly and reside as the forlorn and ostracized within the different regions and kingdoms, Goliaths that make their home throughout the mountain ranges of Lorthal (The White Tower Peaks of the West - The Perimidines of Central Lorthal - The Blackrock Range of the Arm of Lorthal - The Braverise Mountains of the East), Dragonborn remnants from the Dragonought citadels fallen, Changelings that hide their nature within normal society, and Half-Breed races, mainly Half-Elves and Half-Orcs.   The land is home to many dangers however - with nomadic bands of Orcs, small Gnoll raiders, dark cults belonging to the old Rift Schism of the Cult of the Red Star - raving beasts, monstrosities and the remnants of the invasions endured 200 years before in the Rift Schism... and the strange and isolated Shardminds that came about the Rift, also seeking to expunge any essence of the Far Realm and a means to return to their home in the Astral Sea.   The swamps and marshland of the Anbabra Marshes, is home to a plethora of creatures also - believed to be escaped witches from the human kingdoms long ago, and gave themselves to dark powers.



Operating in a temperate and cooler climate, as it is located further north in the world. They see a longer daylight and night-time period than other places the further north they go, but only by a couple of hours after the equinox'.   SUMMER In the summertime, the prevailing winds are west to east. Thus the western-most regions gain the warm humid winds that travel and traverse across the continent and cooling, first over the White Tower Peaks, with the lee sides of the mountains gaining warm dry air. The great canyon, though shaded and cooled below ground, is warmest and most humid at this time of year, but suffers less from the dry winds. It can be common that the river beds dry until the autumn, and without the winds, the woodland that grows below is susceptible to forest fires due to the dry ***. The cycle continues beyond into the Perimidines, where the multiple arms of the mountain ranges coalesce with storms and fog and clouds, most rainfall in which feeds into the many river valleys, with the more western regions having rainfall, and the east remain dry. Then covering past the Blackrock Range, where the winds carry in the summer periods out to the east, warm and smoking winds. The ashen peaks and volcanic air suffuses the cool humid winds with sulphur and acid, giving rise to the acid rainstorms that pervade and devastate the regions and wildlife, even reaching the lands of Dione'Leona at the time; covering the the Burning Arm of Lorthal and headed to the green lands of Dione'Leona. When the winds reach the Braverise Mountains, the swamplands are warm and seemingly flood its water-table and head into the ocean, depositing silt and otherwise through its many rivers into the Arvain Bay. As it passes onward, the warm air cools and rains over the northern regions and tundra, but turns to storms as it quickly hails and sleets and has periodic snowfall.   WINTER In the winter, the prevailing winds go east to west. From the lands of Dione'Leona, the cold humid winds blanket the land in rainfall, snow and hail as they crest over the Braverise Mountains. The swamplands tend to harden and dry, frosting over and the river table dropping. As it reaches the Blackrock Mountains, though the volcanic columns sink, the ash thrust into the air joins the cold then freezing or condensing into acid rain that is carried out and towards the Perimidines. After which, the rain breaks out further from the eastern sides of the Perimidines, and the west receiving less - leaving the grand canyon dry and cold in this portion of the year. The western lands suffer under a cold and harsh winter of cold wet rains, flash frosts and wind; during this period as it passes over the mountains.  


  • The Nevermelt Glacier
  • The Floodplain of Canterrune.
  • The Undead Icebergs of the Moonsilver Sea.
  • Canyon-edge towns and cities.
  • Cascading Waterfalls in the Canyon.
  • Glacial Swamp
  • Dragonshard Meteor Craters
  • Ghostly Northern Sea
  • Alfland Ruins
  • Mythical Towers and Beacon Stones
  • Elemental Fissures
  • Aberrant Hive-Husks