The Knuckledust Isles Geographic Location in Aetheus | World Anvil

The Knuckledust Isles

The Knuckledust Isles (South Archipelago). The resorted safe haven and refuge of many groups of Rock Gnomes. Protected by the sea, and uplifted by generations of their craft and devotion to their ingenious and tricky god, against the uprisings of kobolds - once belonging to the Arm of Lorthal, until they were cracked and drifted apart by the workings of the Gnomes magics and artificery, like the cracking of knuckles - also a common occurrence within the isles, is an evident and audible cracking, as it is an unnatural displacement of geography, and fears of its eventual descent into the waters and coming tide is a common issue between the Gnomish groups. Not to mention, the constant ebbing out of the volcanic shoots seek to reclaim these isles, and it is with the use of the Gnomish tinkering, that they keep cracking apart the land to break its bridges between the mainland of the peninsula of the Arm of Lorthal, to sever any threat of invasion by the shy kobolds. Not to mention the breaking of underground tunnels that seemingly interconnect with the mainland, from hidden volcanic vents that go underneath the sea and can arise. Leaving in its wake a cloud of dust and debris across the waters in the regions; a place that sees treacherous without the full purview and aid of the Gnomish mariners. Made up of three isles - Dust, Salt and Ash. Dust Isle is noteworthy for procuring magical aids, salts and dusts for their usage in tinkering and fueling their magical contraptions. But often plagued by motes of the Elementals that appear within the Arm of Lorthal. Salt Isle is noteworthy for its maritime nature and colony. Ash Isle is noteworthy for its burning motes, being underneath a volcanic shelf that billows out from the isle within, and has been utilised in an intricate machine settlement, turning into purified regions and water-churning regions.