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Floatball - The Greatest Game

Success is no accident. It is hard work, perseverance, learning, studying, sacrifice and most of all, love of what you are doing or learning to do.
— Pelé, a legend
Twenty players, four goals, one field and one ball. Combine them all and you get a game beloved by the world. Few other sports can rouse passions at such a large scale and while the game has often been discarded by the upper classes as a savage display, it has remained in the hearts of the common folk, a love story that has lasted for nearly four hundred years.  

Simple Excitement

  Floatball is rather simple in its rules. Two teams of ten each play against one another for control of a single ball which has to be put, either via foot or head, into one of the two goals of the opposing team. While that alone would be enough to create a fun game, the unique nature of Aeteria adds another layer to the mix. The magnetic forces keeping the world's various lands floating in the air can also be used to make both player and ball fly.  
Battle of Land and Air

The result is that the fight for the ball is not just confined to the ground. Players can jump into the air, up to several metres high, and stay there for several seconds. While seemingly short, these periods are long enough to conduct even complex plays and all-out fights between players. Furthermore, a player can accelarate a ball beyond the norm by hitting it just right and letting the magnetic field take the rest. Some goal shots are pure art as a result.

Over the centuries, various changes have come in to try and adapt to the game's nature. Four goals, which have shrunk slightly over the years, allow greater room for attack maneuvers and provide an additional challenge for the defenders. One sits three metres above the other. The rim of the field is secured with a special magnetic field to catch incoming balls and players and prevent potential injuries among the onlookers. The sport remains quite dangerous, however.

Game of the People

  There is no true origin for the game. Various forms, including the purely ground based football, had been around for centuries. Advances in technology, particularly in the field of magnetic field manipulation, then coincided with an increasily connected and sport-obsessed world and the professional sport of Floatball emerged around 1392 IE in the western hemisphere.   From various centres in countries such as Norwich, Herulia and Sycarina, it spread rapidly and by 1440 saw dozens of national leagues with hundreds of professional clubs. The first national teams were formed in the 1460s and then began to be put against one another, floatball becoming a peaceful alternative in the constant contests of the nations.   Another step was taken when the first world cup was held in 1500 IE. To this day, the sport has remained popular with all echelons of society, even if the upper classes try to seem above the "brutish game".
Its secret? It doesn't matter who you are or what is currently going on in your life. You put twenty people and a ball on the field and watch as your worries melt away.
— Tony Hoffner, Teutan National Captain (1742-1755)
  The World Cup  
First held in 1500 IE, the world cup has had a long a difficult history coming up into the modern age. Intended to be held every five years, the tournament often fell prey to the chaos of world politics and the wrath of nature. More than once it had to be cancelled due to war, general unrest or natural disaster. It has been held a total of 39 times, last in 1775 IE.  
  • Number of Teams: 64
  • Current Champion: Republic of Alawia
  • Most Succesful Team: Delvenia-Tana (7)
  Magnetic Fields   Magnetism is the law by which all things in Aeteria abide. Over time, humanity has gained insight into this mysterious force of nature, begun to understand its intricasies and even started to manipulate it. While not yet possible on a large scale, small magnetic field generators have found application in a variety of fields. In floatball, they create both the screen that keeps the audience out of harms way and also control the flow of the field covering the arena. Using special magnets in their shoes, players can manipulate their polarity via precise movements and jump up to several metres into the air.  

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Jan 3, 2023 16:06 by Chris L

This was really entertaining to read. I like how you've adapted soccer ton your world!

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