Dragonkin Species in Aerith | World Anvil
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Dragonkin are the creation of Ilbrendar and Drakova, the Dragon Lords. They roam the lands in tribes and seldom settle in big groups. They are extremely varied in their appearance and manner, and take many characteristics from the Dragons they originate from. They were placed on Aerith after the Founder Races but not long after. Similar to Goblinkind, the Dragonkin start small but evolve into very powerful creatures – the Half Dragon.    Dragonkin typically worship Ilbrendar and Drakova almost exclusively.    They can be found anywhere but they rarely settle large settlements and most often move around.     As Dragonkin are the blessed descendants of Dragons themselves, they are imbued with a modicum of draconic power. As they mature they become more at one with their Dragon self.

Basic Information

Biological Traits

Starting as Kobolds, (or rarely as an Urd - the winged Kobold), the first evolutionary stage of Dragonkin appear like smaller dragons walking on two legs. They range from 2-3 feet tall and are typically slight of build. They are scaly, lizard-like creatures that have tails, clawed hands and feet, and their skin resembles the colour of the dragon they spawned from, albeit dulled and muted.    The Urd, an offshoot evolutionary stage of the Kobold, grow wings but are otherwise more like Kobolds. Their skin and scales take on more of a deep colour relevant to their progenitor and their tail gets shorter. Urds are relatively uncommon but are said to be blessed by Drakova. An Urd will keep its wings throughout its evolutionary process, granting Dragonborn and Half Dragons wings atypical from normal Dragonkin.   Dragonborn resemble Dragons that have taken on humanoid form and the next evolutionary stage of Dragonkin shows the biggest difference. The scales become more pronounced and vibrant, clearly seeing the source of their power. They have grown in size, equaling or exceeding that of a Human. Their face takes on the appearance of their progenitor more and their tail grows in proportion to their size.   Half-Dragons, the final evolutionary stage of Dragonkin resemble walking Dragons. They are the size of large Humans, their scales are very pronounced with the colour of their heritage Dragon. Their faces are very draconic and their essence always comes through in their appearance.

Genetics and Reproduction

Dragonkin reproduce by laying and hatching eggs.  The Nurturer in any tribe is given the task of caring for, protecting, and bringing the newborn Dragonkin into the world.  Viable eggs can sometimes be rare and the period from laying to hatching can take from 6 months to a year (or sometimes longer).

Growth Rate & Stages

Dragonkin evolution moves at different rates for each Dragonkin, and some never evolve beyond a Kobold. While age typically has a lot to do with it, there are many other factors including maturity, effectiveness in the tribe, which also extends to the outside world, and sometimes even divine grace.   Kobolds can remain in that stage anywhere from 20 to 30 years, before evolving.
Dragonborn typically remain in that stage for the longest, ranging from 20 years to 100 years.
Half-Dragons have reached their pinnacle of evolution and can live for up to 750 years.

Ecology and Habitats

As the Dragonkin were ‘gifted’ the world when they were created, they can be found everywhere in Aerith. They travel often and make their homes in other race’s borders across all environments. Typically Dragonkin tribes will take on the personality and physical traits of their tribal leader, called a Drakor. For example Dragonkin tribes with a Blue Drakor leader favour mountains, Copper Drakor Dragonkin tribes favour hills, etc.   Dragonkin are nomadic by nature and rarely keep permanent homes. They dwell in yurts or tents most often, but may sleep under the stars depending on their environment. Their yurt is very spartan and Dragonkin do not do much in it except sleep or keep their limited goods, though most Dragonkin will hoard a few things on their person and decorate their tent as they travel. Their style and variance depends on the tribe and some even pass down their yurts to their children.   The most ‘lavish’ tent in a Dragonborn tribe is the Drakor’s tent, which also serves as a place to meet, pray, and reconnect with history. Dragonkin tribes also set up a meeting area to hold moots with other tribes or to gather the tribe in celebration, prayer, or a major event.


When going to war, or dealing with adversaries or predators, Dragonkin are very good at defending themselves.    Kobolds, being the weakest in strength and size, employ very strategic plans to mitigate the strength of their adversaries. They work well in teams and are unafraid to sacrifice their lives to protect their tribe or mates. They will lead unwary enemies into traps or ambushes if they can, they spread out their attacks, making them unpredictable, and they utilize arcane magic offensively to deal maximum damage while opening themselves up as little as possible.     If forced to use weapons they prefer ranged weapons like daggers, darts, slings, handheld crossbows, or even blowguns. Melee weapons are geared more for quick hits and hidden attacks. Many Kobolds become very skilled at the dagger or short sword attack in a mob and then scattering.   Mixed units of varying skills are the norm for Kobold armies, such as they are. Warriors and Arcane users mix in units for greater effect. The spellcasters also provide great support and boost their warriors natural abilities with useful spells. Kobolds also always have an escape plan, even if it is just to scatter. Better to run and hide and regroup later than to stay and fight needlessly.   Dragonborn warriors fight a little differently though. They are more brazen, bold, and rarely retreat from battle. They have a sense of honour when it comes to battle and they will face certain death if need be, particularly when defending their tribes. Being larger they can afford to equip themselves better, use stronger weapons and even armour themselves more effectively. They continue to mix units to great effect and Dragonborn spellcasters are quite skilled at inflicting massive damage to a large number of enemies.   Half Dragon warriors have a lot of skill and experience and they are always prepared. They plan as much as they can ahead of time, they make contingencies and they do whatever is best to protect their tribe’s interests.

Additional Information

Social Structure

Dragonkin are tribal creatures and very religious. They are almost always led by a Half Dragon leader, or Drakor, who is most often a shaman but could also be a warlord who has seen much success in battle.   There are three main types of functions within Dragonkin society - Nurturers, Protectors, and Crafters. Regardless of function any Dragonkin who is of a higher evolutionary state will be deferred to by one who is of a lower state. Kobolds always defer to Dragonborn, and Dragonborn always defer to Half Dragons. Outside of that law Dragonkin tribes focus on three things, nurturing the tribe, protecting the tribe, and building the tribe.   Nurturers encompass sustenance, learning/teaching, raising youth, shelter, husbandry, religious training, preserving traditions, and promoting evolutionary transitions.   Protectors encompass military training, defense of the tribe (and Aerith as a whole), magic training, building external relationships, and securing Dragonkin happiness.   Crafters encompass the physical development of the tribe, building, repairing, and improving the tribe. They craft anything from items to housing, even being responsible for set up and tear down of the tribe's structures.   Dragonkin treat the three roles of their tribe as equals in the running of the group. Neither role is of a higher station than the other and every Dragonkin recognizes the need for all three. Quite often a Dragonkin can go back and forth between these three functions as the tribe requires, making them very versatile and efficient tribesmen.

Civilization and Culture

Naming Traditions

Social status can be fleeting and mercurial in a Dragonkin tribe so they enjoy their current station and are always looking for ways to keep their status or increase their status within the tribe. As such, bearing a title is a great honour within Dragonkin tribes. Titles are a way to honour a member of a tribe for an individual action, or perhaps a means of representing an action or trait that a Dragonkin has.   Different titles carry different meanings; for example, strength and battle are usually represented by the elements, healing and protection are represented by nurturing vocations like warden or mother. A Dragonkin can carry multiple titles, and it is almost expected for a Drakor to have three or even four titles on top of the title of Drakor.

Average Technological Level

Dragonkin typically use basic tools and weapons but they use them to great effect.  They are not interested in creating lasting works or inventions, but they often covet well-made items or collections that others have made.

Major Language Groups and Dialects

Draconic is thought to be one of the oldest languages and is often used in the study of magic. The language sounds harsh to most other creatures and includes numerous hard consonants and sibilants   Dragonkin from different areas or from a predominant Dragon heritage may have accents that differ across the lands.

Culture and Cultural Heritage

Dragonkin on Aerith are more aware of their draconic history and have a sense of superiority and arrogance, whether deserved or not. Even Kobolds, the weakest form of the Dragonkin wander the world knowing that it truly belongs to them. Even though they may come across as a little arrogant, Dragonkin in all their evolutionary forms are determined, focussed, and very attuned to their surroundings and the fabric of magic.   Kobolds are inquisitive, resourceful, and can also be headstrong. They often trust in their destiny as the children of Dragons to carry them through.   Dragonborn are even more ambitious and hot-tempered, having lived long enough to realize some of their potential. They imagine a world where they will succeed, blessed by their heritage. Any who doubt their power or rightful place will often get a demonstration of their superiority quickly.   Half Dragons have very diverse personalities but many of them are wiser, more humble, and patient than their younger kin, having lived to be over a century in most cases. These Dragonkin tend to be leaders, looking to improve their tribe’s quality of life, or improve Dragonkin as a whole. Their goals are further reaching and can take years to be realized.

Common Customs, Traditions and Rituals

Shortly after a Dragonborn evolves into a Half-Dragon, they are either already leading a tribe, or they will leave to go and form their own tribe. Each tribe of Dragonkin is typically from one hundred to two hundred members with approximately one half being Dragonborn, the rest being Kobolds or Urds. About half of these tribe members will be away from the tribe lands at any one time, either protecting, scouting, or building diplomatic relations with other races or tribes.

Interspecies Relations and Assumptions

Dragonkin believe themselves to be superior to other races and as such they don’t base their actions on racial prejudices. All races to them are equally inferior, however they do have a strained relation with the Elves due to the Avariel/Dragon war. Allies and enemies will vary depending on location, environment, and circumstance. As they are nomadic they don’t necessarily stay around long enough to make long lasting enemies but there has been occasion for Dragonkin to declare war or ally against a common enemy.   Dragonkin value deeds more than words. It is easy to say to outsiders that they are born of Dragons, but it is much better to demonstrate to ‘lesser’ creatures the truth of their heritage. Tribe members gain more notoriety and higher station based on the deeds they perform, which are important to each individual tribe.

Lineage Traits

  Draconic Ancestry (Mandatory)
• When this ancestry is chosen, also choose a draconic type (acid, cold, fire, lightning, poison), This becomes your draconic type. You can reduce damage taken by your draconic type by a number of d6s equal to your Soul Tier. In addition, the draconic part of you is always connected to other dragons, allowing you to learn the Draconic language. When you speak draconic when interacting with other draconic type creatures, any Attribute checks you make as part of that interaction, you may reroll a number of dice in your array equal to your Soul Tier.
• In addition, when you go up a Soul Tier, you can spend a soul point to gain another Dragonkin Lineage trait; if the trait has a prerequisite, you must have that to pick the trait.   Dragon’s Cry
• As a major action, you can cry out a loud and triumphant roar. When you do your roar can be heard up to 100’ away. In addition, when you cry out you can target any number of allied creatures (including yourself) that can hear your cry and give them all their maximum Glory points. Once you give a person Glory points in this way, they can’t receive it from this ability until they take a Full Rest.   Keen Senses
• When making a Perception check you can add two additional dice to your Dice Pool. In addition, your improved eyes allow you to see better (even in the dark). You can see clearly up to 60’ in dim light as if it were bright light.   Wings
• You are born with wings on your back, giving you the ability to fly. While your wings are unbound, you gain a 30’ flying speed, however, your wings can be hurt and damaged. When you are bloodied, your wings are hurt as well and at the end of your turn, if you are in the air and not being held aloft from another source, you fall.   Dragonborn Evolution (Prerequisite: Dragonkin Lineage)
• When you pick this Evolution, you evolve from being a Kobold to a Dragonborn. Your size becomes medium, and you gain a draconic breath.
• As a major action you can use your draconic breath to shoot a 20’ cone that deals 2d6 damage, of the same type as that of your draconic type. The target must succeed on a Fortitude Resistance check compared against your Fortitude + your Soul Tier.   Half Dragon Nurturer Evolution (Prerequisite: Dragonborn Evolution; Soul Tier 4; Spiritual Affinity)
• When you pick this Evolution, you evolve from being a Dragonborn to a Half-Dragon. Your size becomes large, and you get the following Half-Dragon Nurturer features:
• Increase each Attribute in your Spiritual trait by 1 to a maximum of 5
• Your Spiritual scale increases by your level.
• When you take the aid action you may also heal the Spiritual scale of the target a number of d4s equal to the number of dice you added to their pool.   Half Dragon Protector Evolution (Prerequisite: Dragonborn Evolution; Soul Tier 4; Physical Affinity)
• When you pick this Evolution, you evolve from being a Dragonborn to a Half-Dragon. Your size becomes large, and you get the following Half-Dragon Protector features:
• Increase each Attribute in your Physical trait by 1 to a maximum of 5
• Your Physical scale increases by your level.
• Your scales gain a Durability equal to your Soul Tier x your Physical Trait. When your finish a Full Rest your scales heal Durability equal to your Physical Trait.
• Your Protection increases by your physical Trait.   Half Dragon Scout Evolution (Prerequisite: Dragonborn Evolution; Soul Tier 4; Mental Affinity)
• When you pick this Evolution, you evolve from being a Dragonborn to a Half-Dragon. Your size becomes large, and you get the following Half-Dragon Scout features:
• Increase each Attribute in your Mental trait by 1 to a maximum of 5
• Your Mental scale increases by your level.
• Once a turn you can move up to half your movement speed without needing to take an action. You can’t do this the same turn you have already taken the move action, and after you move in this way you can’t take the move action.
Genetic Descendants
Scientific Name
Draco Minoris
Related Organizations
Any   Region
Any   Notable Locations
Spire of Drakova (temple)
 Standing Stones of Ilbrendar (temple)   Subraces
Kobold; Urd; Dragonborn; Winged Dragonborn; Half-Dragon    Worship
Ilbrendar; Drakova


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