Drakova Character in Aerith | World Anvil
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Drakova is one of two Dragon Lords to have formed after The Three Pillars  finished their Celestial Dance. She represents chaos in all its forms, the destruction of things, and the pure essence of arcane magic.  


Order is crushing, chaos is freeing. Destruction is inevitable – be the one to destroy. Show your power, with strength, tactical aptitude, and intelligence.  

Major Centres of Worship:

The Spire of Drakova  is a large temple at the top of Denethen's Helm, and is serviced by a variety of chaotic Dragons and Dragonkin. As the temple is only accessible by flight, it is very difficult for those who cannot fly to access.  

Relations with other gods:

Ilbrendar, the Lawful Dragon Lord of Creation, Earth, and Water is brother to Drakova and her fiercest adversary. While their relationship is very confrontational, the two of them trade blows back and forth with no desire to truly destroy the other. Their followers, however, do not always share their feelings and might take it upon themselves to rid the world of the other. Outside of Ilbrendar the two Dragon Lords do not interact with other beings overly often.  


Drakova is a large, winged, multi-coloured, serpent-like creature. She doesn’t have protective scales like her children, but she is quicker and more mobile than them, relying on avoiding attacks rather than protecting against them. Drakova will often change the colour of her skin depending on what she wants to accomplish but spends most of her time as a mixture of her chromatic children.  

Other Manifestations:

When a creature tells a good lie, their tongue might change colour to be green for a moment or when a creature uses fire for destructive purposes the wind might pick up to feed the flames and spread the fire.
(pronounced Dra-ko-va)


Chaos. Chaotic Dragons, Dragonborn. Arcane magic, Air, Fire, Destruction, Deception


A pair of wings with a flaming cyclone in the middle



Typical Worshippers:

Dragons, Dragonborn, Arcane Spellcasters


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