Yrsa's Domain Organization in Aerith | World Anvil
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Yrsa's Domain


After the creation of the humans, the bear spirit, Yrsa, came down to the land she had been given. Without any wish to be revered or worshiped just for being a spirit, she decided to live among the humans as if she was one of them, teaching them the wonders of feasting, drinking, and having fun. While she does have a Chosen, she also lives with the people she protects, making her probably one of the most involved spirits of all, even after the Great Raid.


Being just west from Torrin's Domain, the weather is similar, slightly cold in nature, rainy and snowy too. It has some areas where rivers are, valleys between the snowy forests that carry some of the water from the ocean across the continent. And because the spirits aren't that mean, almost all the water in Aerith is drinkable, even ocean water, and especially the rivers. This made for a lot of settlements near these small-ish rivers. While the ground is easily farm-able, the weather makes for some hardships, with how cold it usually is.  


The Yrsans are a really merry people, welcoming of pretty much anyone, so long as they don't cross them. Naturally, they're wary of Zaragozans and Sivans, but they're all welcome in their lands as long as they don't do anything wrong. They're really merry by nature, always having one celebration or another going on, with feasts, drinking contests, and games. The people here are known for their alcohol, exporting a lot of it be it by themselves or with Kyrrha and her Nomads, as well as their incredible bodyguards, due to most people that live here having a larger build, being both intimidating and strong. Traditional foods are mostly meat related, like boar, as well as any form of cattle, along with some veggies like carrots, potatoes, as well as onions. Although they're all more well known for their feasts, where they bring in incredible amounts of expertly prepared food from all around the world for everyone living nearby to enjoy, usually hosted by the leader of the village. The people here have a very wide average to live, with the warriors and defenders often dying before reaching too old an age, and the ones that don't fight living to about 70-80 years of age. Their music is almost always in the shape of story telling, legendary tales that become songs that everyone sings, especially in their ships and during feasts. They're not really structured, and they encourage anyone who knows the lyrics to sing along, to bring everyone together with an epic tale. Another thing Yrsans are well known for, is that there are a very big number of amazing blacksmiths, and metal workers, with a legendary forge overseen by Yrsa herself, said to produce the best metalwork in the whole world.

The Spirit Lights

Once per year, all the spirits, even the lesser ones, gather together for a feast that Yrsa puts on in the spirit realm, this causes the night sky to light up with incredible lights, with some seers able to tell what's going on, and to tell a very vague vision of the future because of it, mostly represented as harvests, conflicts, and any other major events. Naturally, the humans also celebrate this with a feast of their own, encouraging other people from all over Aerith to travel to the domain to celebrate together, in what's essentially a peace summit. Food from all over, dancing, music, even artistic things like making souvenirs and other decorations, as well as an incredible amount of trade happens on that day. (Date TBD)  


Their politics are rather simple, since they've never been quite involved in such things, choosing to remain neutral in most conflicts. Every village has someone that leads, usually choosing punishments for criminals the village finds guilty, as well as deciding what the crimes actually are. Among other things, they also take a small portion of wealth from everyone to fund projects and festivities, so in a way everyone contributes to feasts and parties as well as public services like the police and the healers. They've remained outsiders to almost every single conflict in history, at least as a Domain, even if some Yrsan warriors have fought in some of them. They try to remain peaceful and offer sanctuary to anyone willing to share their view of peace, working as a sort of peace grounds for anyone in conflict to try and negotiate without fear of attacks.

To protect the world from ruin.

Extra Info

  • Nationality: Yrsan
  • Population: 850 Gifted / 400 Humans (Approx.)
  • Capital: Yrsa's Hearth
Geopolitical, Country
Claw Marks, a type of metal coin.
Neighboring Nations
Notable Members


With the Arians as naturally calm and peaceful as they are, the relationships with the Yrsans are incredibly smooth, with some arguments due to how Yrsa runs her domain. They trade plenty of fish and wood in between each other, with some unique species in each domain making it worth it.


The Inarians have always been in good relations with Yrsans, especially due to being able to help each other with specific goals. Inarians provide them with fruits and vegetables they otherwise would be unable to harvest in Yrsa's domain, while the Yrsans provide their stronger wood, the Ironbark, a material vital for structure building and even some instruments and weapons.


With how close the domains are, both Yrsa and Torrin saw fit to forge good relations between their domains, trading building materials and sometimes even food. Yrsans are often seen working as defenders in Torrin's domain, as well as builders, while Torrians are usually seen in Yrsa's domain as knowledgeable crafters and teachers, granting their knowledge in exchange for their services.

Distrustful Peace

While normally the Yrsans are very welcoming, the existance of the Slithering Thieves has caused them to distrust strangers coming from Zaragoza's domain. Still, they accept anyone claiming to be peaceful, but keep them under a closer watch than regular citizens.

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