Inari's Domain Organization in Aerith | World Anvil
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Inari's Domain


After the creation of the humans, the fox spirit, Inari, came down to the land she had been given. She always wanted her people to live their lives to the fullest, without the distractions of worship and such. While she was dedicated to nurturing and caring for them, she always did so in the sidelines, making this land historically known to almost losing their founder to being treated as just a myth.


In a land composed mostly of open fields with some forests sprinkled in, where the ocean hits sandy shores, it's a rather calm place. It has some hills along the middle of it, some have shrines on the top of them too. Some of the forests have large trees, trees larger than normal, with some colorful leaves, like pink, purple, yellow, and orange, even in the spring and summer. It's a little on the colder side, with a larger snow season, and a shorter heat, with frequent rains and strong winds. These weather conditions have made the land very fertile, making farming quite easy on the people.


The people of the land were always taught to respect Inari, since she could bring you good fortune, or bring you ruin. This meant more often than not, the people here are nice, cooperative, and polite, but will not hesitate to stand their ground when the need arises. The people here are mostly known for their music and tailoring, most of the inhabitants very adept at any sort of art really. One traditional food in the domain is a special kind of chicken soup said to have magical healing powers. Although not due to the dish itself, it was often due to Inari's influence. Even if she isn't really around anymore, the tradition still remains. It consists of a balanced soup with chicken, as well as an assortment of vegetables like carrots, celery, and onions, to name a few. The recipe itself changes depending on where on the domain you are, often depending on what is traditionally farmed more there. The people here live often a healthy 70 years, before choosing to die to not become a bed-ridden burden on their families, mostly accepting their fates after doing whatever they were meant to do in their lives. Their music consists mostly of wind instruments like flutes, as well as some percussion like tambourines and other types of drums, making for some more intense and involving music, often written so they portray a story. A beginning, with soft flutes, almost inspiring, a development, commonly portrayed as rising drums and a rise in tempo, to lead up to the climax and conclusion.  

Future Readings

Among other traditions, there's a practice that had its roots in a children's game of thinking what the future could be like. It developed into what actually seemed like a completely accurate way to predict the future to some degree. It consists of collecting different leaves from the special leaves form trees around the domain, and the one getting their future predicted arranges them as they see fit, outside, with special screens to protect from the wind. Then, once the arrangement is done, the screens are removed, and based on how the wind moves the leaves around, the future is predicted by the seer. Although their secrets are well-kept among only the ones who know how, traditionally, they always seem to be correct, even after Inari's disappearance.  


Without the direct guidance of their spirit, the humans decided to make a per-village way of government, with each city representative chosen democratically, although sometimes it runs in the family due to the trust of the people in a certain family. These chosen representatives form a council, the leader of Inari's Burrow being normally the highest regarded in decision making, but all make decisions together. While their economy is mostly self-sufficient, there are obviously some people who can be less productive than others. One of their policies is what the people call the "Chance". Every inhabitant of the domain is given a chance to do whatever they choose to do, often with the economical help of the state if needed, and if they manage to make a living off of their choice, then they are left to continue, otherwise, they are employed in one of the several public positions, like farmers, fishers, and hunters, as well as some of the crafters, like tailors and woodworkers. And if they still fail to perform, they can be exiled, to the forests of the domain, to fend for themselves. It's a very ruthless but mostly effective way to handle things, with a tiny unemployment rate. Their relations with the other Domains are mostly neutral, aside from Ari's, pledging their alliance back in 231, lasting strong till the present day, with lots of trade between the two domains.
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The Inarians have always been in good relations with Yrsans, especially due to being able to help each other with specific goals. Inarians provide them with fruits and vegetables they otherwise would be unable to harvest in Yrsa's domain, while the Yrsans provide their stronger wood, the Ironbark, a material vital for structure building and even some instruments and weapons.


After Chosen Eli and Chosen Ariella forged peace back in 231, the two Domains have been peaceful and allied, with different trade routes and other political agreements being made.


With Ari's domin as a third party for their trade they hardly ever interact directly, but due to the plentiful forests and vegetation of Inari's domain, a lot of trade that involves botanic goods is done.

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