Yrsa, The Bear Spirit Character in Aerith | World Anvil
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Yrsa, The Bear Spirit

The Guardian / Forge-Mother


One of the Six Founding spirits, created with the origin of the universe. She along with five other spirits created the world, and everything in it. She created the few mountains in Aerith, as well as the snow, and all the animals that live in cold environments. Eventually, as a joined effort, she with the other five spirits created the human race, allowing them to live in this world. 10 years after the world's conception, the spirits decided they wanted to help the humans with their endeavors, and so she fused her soul with a human's, creating the first generation of Chosen. Her first Chosen was a lad by the name of Sigurd of the Heart. She's always been present among her humans, as an equal, someone who farmed alongside them, someone who built alongside them, since she loved the feeling of being actually alive. After the Great Raid, she decided to be wary of Siv, training up her warriors in the way of standing their ground. She was never one for needless wars or fighting, thus she planned to make her warriors so intimidating and strong at defense that nobody would dare attack her domain.

Divine Symbols & Sigils

Yrsa designed a special charm of sorts that her people could wear, consisting of what looks like a round shield, with a bear paw in the middle.

Tenets of Faith

Welcome any and all who would wish you well, for life is enjoyed when in company of others. But do not lower your guard to evildoers, punish them with no mercy to keep the innocents safe.


The Spirit Lights (detailed in here)

Divine Goals & Aspirations

Yrsa wants all of Aerith to one day be unified, so people from all over can live harmoniously, with no need for politics or wars, just one really long feast.
Divine Classification
Aligned Organization

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