Chromatic Brotherhood Organization in Aerd | World Anvil

Chromatic Brotherhood

Tyrants die by our hand

A radical political group emerging from the ashes of the Antynyxian monarchy, The Chromatic Brotherhood is a small but vocal group of Dragonborn concerned primarily about the perceived ill treatment of Antynyx after the Skybreaker Wars, specifically the exile of the Antynyxian royal family. The Brotherhood aims to take take control of the ruling body of Antynyx, the Dimogerontía, and steer the country towards increased military strength and international prestige.     Origins   The roots of the Chromatic Brotherhood existed long before the fall of the monarchy and can be traced back to the Cult of the Dragon, a fringe religious group that sought to release Tiamat, the Queen Imprisoned. The Cult rejected the idea of Bahamut, King of Dragons, being the benevolent diety of justice, and instead saw him as a divine persecutor and opportunist, cowardly imprisoning the rightful supreme dragon diety. For the Cult of the Dragon, Tiamat represents both grand potential and a great conspiracy to suppress that potential by external forces, two ideals that remain important to the Chromatic Brotherhood.   The Brotherhood's most direct precursor was The Clawed Fist, a paramilitary sect of the Cult of the Dragon that specialized in interrogation, espionage, and special operations. The Clawed Fist's actions in the Skybreaker Wars were seen as instrumental in the early Antynyxian victories, despite not being affiliated with the nation in any official capacity. In fact, many scholars posit that Antynyx likely would have emerged victorious had the Antynyxian fleet not been decimated in the Shattering. On Antynyx's defeat, the remaining royal family was stripped of its titles and exiled to the Lands of Defiance. The Clawed Fist disbanded and many went underground for fear of repercussions from the states they had fought against in the Wars. The Dimogerontía was established, and the new government of Antynyx was embraced by Aerd.   In the following years, the former members of the Clawed Fist began to meet again in secret. They grew more and more displeased over what they saw as Antynyx's abandonment of its traditions in favor of trade and discourse with the non-draconic races. These revocations of the draconic traditions were seen as just another way Bahamut had tricked the Dragonborn into subservience to other, lesser powerful races. In these clandestine meetings, a plan was hatched to wrestle back the power from those who bowed to the lesser races and embrace the Dragon's Might once more. Recruitment of other disheartened veterans of the Wars ramped up, and the establishment of the Chromatic Brotherhood was made official.     Ideology   The Chromatic Brotherhood holds two tenets to be supreme: that dragonborn are inheritors of divine strength, and the non-draconic races of the world are always going to attempt to suppress that strength to stay in power. The Brotherhood commends acts of strength and violence as means to protest this subjugation. They think adoption of outside cultures and trade with non-draconic races is a corrupting force upon dragonborn. The Brotherhood see industrialisation as a way for the lesser races to further subjugate the dragonborn, and therefore did not embrace new technology readily. Similarly, they have a general distrust of wizards, as the perception is wizards steal power that has not been rightfully granted to them. Sorcerors, on the overhand, are seen as divinely gifted. The Brotherhood feel that it is the right of dragonborn to hold dominion over Aerd, and they plan to bring about an agrarian utopia to all of Aerd.   They hold dragons in high esteem, although they opposed philosophically the Bahamutic ideal of justice and equality between all mortal races. The Brotherhood saw themselves as the rightful rulers of Aerd and thus subscribed to the Tiamatic ideal of conquest. This meant that they oftentimes found themselves aligned with like-minded chromatic dragons and reluctantly opposed to metallic dragons. Despite often between on opposite sides of arguments and battlefields, Chromatic Brothers held much respect for metallic dragons. If ever forced to face a metallic dragon in combat, the Brotherhood would often elect to keep them prisoner if possible, or respectfully tend the body according to draconic tradition if death was inevitable.     Religious Beliefs   While not officially a religious organization, many members of the Chromatic Brotherhood shared the fringe religious beliefs of its precursor organization, the Clawed Fist. A commonly held belief was that Bahamut was a usurper to the divine throne the rightly belonged to Tiamat. Bahamut was seen as a deceiver, who purposely led the dragonborn down the path of subjugation. With the dragonborn subjugated, there would be no desire to free Tiamat, and Bahamut's reign would go unchallenged. Many of the most religious members of the Brotherhood thought that true power could not be attained by the dragonborn until Tiamat herself was freed.     Demographics   Despite its name, the Brotherhood was made up of dragonborn of all ancestries. A large percentage of their ranks were made up of disenchanted veterans who felt as if their sacrifices had been forgotten by the new government. The majority of civilian members were from rural areas and were primarily manual laborers (ie. farmers, ranchers, miners, foresters, hunters, etc.). These laborers tended to take umbrage with what they saw as hedonism, frivolity, and condescension taking place in the urban centers of Antynyx.
Political, Faction / Party
Alternative Names
Chromatikí Adelfótita
Predecessor Organization
Ruling Organization
Parent Organization
Related Species


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