The Galactic Center

In all of the Obsidian Veil, there is no place as mysterious and enticing as the Galactic Center. Guarded by the The Council of Stars against the rest of the Obsidian Veil, the Center has nonetheless remained the epicenter of major galactic events for as long as people have recorded histories.  

Heroes of the Veil

Legends say that in times of desperate need, great heroes will arise from the Galactic Center to mend that which is broken. Though they are rarely recognized or praised at the time, the hindsight of accurate historical documentation confirms this legend again and again. Nearly every significant, heroic figure of the Veil can be traced back to the Galactic Center, though legend holds that only one such hero can exist at a time.   Hordan the Silencer was an incredibly talented pilot responsible for eliminating the Hapaday Pirates in their bid to replace the Space Jockeys as the galactic powerhouse. Long thought to have been from a simple farming planet terrorized by the pirates, he was later found to have ended up on that planet after emerging from the Galactic Center.   Even Lyridas the Bold, founder of the Space Jockeys, is said to have been from the Center before he began his incredible expansion into the shattered remnants of the Thesithoth Corollate.  

Mysterious Discoveries

Heroes are not the only oddities to emerge from the Galactic Center. Even though the Council of Stars prevents outsiders from entering the Center, they do make contact with civilization periodically.   Most existing records agree that the Thesithoth Corollate's immense magic and technological prowess are owed in large part to frequent contact with the Council of Stars. Modern Space Jockeys also maintain regular contact with the Council of Stars, but the contact is much more limited.   The most prominent technology resulting from this contact is True Time Units, which allow the Jockeys to maintain synchronization across vast distances despite the effects of timespace dilation.
Galactic Sector
Owning Organization