Alastia Organization in Aedeva | World Anvil


To most outsiders there is little difference between the northern and southern halves of the elven continent. There are many subtle differences, however, that a wise traveler would do well to note. Where the northern Elves are haughty and proud, the southern elves are shrewd and suspicious. Alastians thrive on negotiations and business deals, while the Alarians live in diplomacy and subversion.  


Though the official government of Alastia is an offshoot of the Alarian Republic, the practical reality is more complex. True political power in Alastia rests with the heads of of several powerful merchant families. These families are responsible for most of the imports and exports of both Alastia and Alaria, and maintain extensive contracts with Union Bridge. Unfortunately for the rest of Aedeva, many of these contracts deal with the "acquiring" and "purchasing" of other sentient beings. While numerous organizations oppose this slave trade, the political and military might of the elves makes direct opposition extremely difficult.  

Common Misconceptions

Elves and Slavery

Due to the prolific nature of the elven slave trade, elves throughout the world are associated with oppression and slavery. While there is some truth to this sentiment, there are numerous elves who refuse to take part in the practice. There are even rumors of secret organizations who actively oppose the slave trade, helping slaves to escape to other nations and recover from the effects of long-term mind control.   Though individuals and organizations like these are generally the exception, rather than the rule, an observant traveler might be surprised by the number of exceptions that might be found on a day's journey.  

Elven Wealth

It is well known throughout Aedeva that most of the wealthiest individuals in the world are elves. This has led many to believe that all elves are rich and lazy, leaving all of the difficult work to the slaves. Again, there is some measure of truth to this myth, but the reality can be quite shocking to the uninitiated.   One needs only to walk down an Alastian street at midday to see the falseness of this sentiment. Most of the workers in any given town are elves. From launders to dishwashers to maids to concierges, even the elves must work for their food.  


While most Alastians, and indeed, most elves, tend toward atheism, there are still some who follow The Fell. Long ago, it is said that one could hardly travel a day in Alastia without seeing a sacred grove of The Fell, but most of those have long since fallen to the advances of "modern civilization". Still, the occasional sacred grove can be found in Alastia, far from the elven cities and farms.   There are rumors that the groves accept any supplicants of Ilgradnis, elven or otherwise.


Regulations on magic are sparse in Alastia. Most citizens know at least one cantrip, and many are versed in spells of the first or second circles. While spells of higher circles generally require permits or licenses, these limitations are much less strict than in nations like Cireth or Union Bridge. Somewhat ironically, magic of the enchantment school is a an exception to this rule. It is highly regulated, both in who can use it, and who it can be used on.
Geopolitical, Republic
Government System
Democracy, Representative
Economic System
Market economy