Alaria Organization in Aedeva | World Anvil


There is not a town or village in Aedeva that has not heard tales of the Elves of Alaria. Beautiful and terrible beyond mortal comprehension, they and their followers in Union Bridge show up in the night to steal away poorly behaved children. Of course, these stories exaggerate the elves' cruelty to diabolic proportions. Nonetheless, there is truth in the stories, and a wise traveler will regard an elven caravan with caution.


Ruled by the council of Immortals and run by the heads of noble elven families, Alaria is a land of politics and intrigue. Laws are formed by popular vote, with each elf in Alaria receiving a vote. From the Angolamar Mountains the Immortals argue on which laws should be passed to vote, and settle large-scale disputes between noble families.   It is a well known fact that the enslavement and magical subjugation of other sentient races is legal in Alaria. For most Alarians it is part of everyday life. Despite the fact that the tradition Alarian slavery comes from a time before mortal memmory, it is hotly debated throughout the nation, and some noble families actively oppose the slave trade, both politically, and by helping slaves to escape.

Common Misconceptions

Other Species of Alaria

The political and social dominance of the Alarian elves leads many to believe that the continent is inhabited only by elves and their slaves. This is certainly true near the large cultural or military centers, but a wary adventurer can wander the Alarian wilderness for several days, or even weeks, without seeing a single elf or slave. In fact, there are scholars who postulate that the elven population is too small effectively dominate all of these indigeneous free peoples.   While the "Alarian Free Peoples" are generally believed to live in fear of elven tyranny, they have historically been content to stay out of Alarian affairs. Nonetheless, many of the Free Peoples have been known to assist runaway slaves in their escape, and most have fought against the endless tide of orcs from the north.

Elves and Slavery

Due to the prolific nature of the elven slave trade, elves throughout the world are associated with oppression and slavery. While there is some truth to this sentiment, there are numerous elves who refuse to take part in the practice. There are even rumors of secret elven organizations who actively oppose the slave trade, helping slaves to escape to other nations and recover from the effects of long-term mind control.   Though individuals and organizations like these are generally the exception, rather than the rule, an observant traveler might be surprised by the number of exceptions that might be found on a day's journey.  


While most Alarians, and indeed, most elves, tend toward atheism, there are still some who follow The Fell. Some sacred groves can still be found in Alaria, far from the elven cities. Many of the Free Peoples still follow The Fell, and their sacred groves are said to hold a power that even the orcs have learned to fear.


Outside of Angolamar, regulation of magic is unique to each noble family. For the most part, an elf magician or cleric can safely cast most any spell without fear of legal retribution, provided they do not harm other elves or elven property.   Because of their long lives, elves have a natural bent toward the arcane. Elves who spend their time studying magic often grow to become wizards of immense power. However, powerful magicians are common enough among the elven noble population that they rarely receive special treatment based on their prowess. Because of this, a wise traveler will watch their tongue when speaking to an Alarian, regardless of rank.

Demography and Population

Though Elves are by far the dominant species, due to their skill with compulsion magic, they are significantly outnumbered by the slave population.
Geopolitical, Republic
Government System
Power Structure
Economic System
Market economy
The Mírë   Mírë Bar (Approx. 1 Cirethian Star)
Mírë Cube (100 Bars)
Mírë Diamond (5 Cubes)
Mírë Sphere(2 Diamonds)

Opal(1/100th value)
Silver (1/10th value)
Gold (1/5th value)
Gemstone (1/2 value)
Diamond (full value)