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Church of Gilmithien

The Church of Gilmithien is the primary religious organization dedicated to the worship and service of the god and patron of the arts, Gilmithien. Worshipers primarily consist of artists, bards, cartographers, inventors, loremasters, sages, scholars and scribes.


Initiation - The church dedicated to Gilmithien serves those who truly follow his ideals: to invent, to create, to learn. Although there is an organization to the church, followers of Gilmithien dismiss strict adherence to structure as it would diminish learning and artistic ventures.   Titles - The following titles are used by the church:
  • Emeritus - A sole scholar chosen by Gilmithien to serve as an envoy of his teachings
  • Scholar - Leaders of individual temples and libraries dedicated to Gilmithien, located primarily in cities.
  • Apprentice - Title given to the initiates of the church. They have demonstrated an aptitude for learning, but have too little experience to lead a temple or library.
Priestly Orders
  • Order of Antiquity - An order which specializes in researching and exploring ancient ruins. The order is primarily comprised of clerics, although they are typically accompanied by wizards and rangers with similar inclinations.
Knightly Orders
  • Knights of the Quill - Knights which utilize scribes and bards to accompany them on their adventures to ensure they are written about for years to come. They tend to go in search of adventure and glory as much as for scholarly pursuits.

Divine Origins

Worship dedicated to Gilmithien began once civilization embraced the arts as an indispensable aspect of society. Unlike other religions, it was one founded upon accepting there is a world yet undiscovered. Although Gilmithien fosters learning, he does not provide all of the answers for his followers. Curiosity of the unknown led worshipers to form rituals which invoke the god's blessing. These rituals grew in prominence over time, and would entail playing of instruments, particularly the flute. After inspiration would strike the artist or the scholar, they would praise Gilmithien for his blessing and go on to create great works of art.

Tenets of Faith

Knowledge and perpetuation of ideas is vital to worshipers of Gilmithien. An idea has no weight, but it can move mountains.
  • Knowledge is power but must be used with care
  • Stifle no new ideas, no matter how false and crazed they seem
  • Curb and deny falsehoods, rumor, and deceitful tales
  • Spread truth and knowledge so that all folk know more


Festivals and rituals in honor of Gilmithien typically incorporate playing instruments, drinking wine, reading poetry, and enacting plays. Festivals hosted by cities and towns welcome all to celebrate and enjoy the merits of the artists who name Gilmithien as their patron. They are times of celebration and happiness, of singing and dancing, of love and togetherness. As the Great Temple of Gilmithien is located in the city of Riven, so too is it the host city of it's finest festivals.


Those who serve Gilmithien as clergy are typically clerics within the knowledge domain, although bards and artists who feel drawn to the calling of the god also serve in his church. They value learning and understanding above all, and typically have an affinity towards knowledge of the arcane, historical, natural, or religious. The priests typically dress in linen robes while serving at temples, with scholarly vestments and high collars. Many of priests are commonly found outside of the temples, in search of knowledge. This can be found in libraries, but most times it is the most fervent followers of Gilmithien who explores the unknown and writes the books that others read. Therefore, each priest typically has more practical clothing featuring belts, a satchel, and a cloak to protect against the elements. The feathered quill of Gilmithien remains prominent regardless of the garb they are wearing.
  • Emeritus - Jade
  • Scholar - Celadon
  • Apprentice - Beige
Founding Date
277 BR
Religious, Organised Religion
Subsidiary Organizations
Controlled Territories


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