Voices of the Past Spell in Adventures in Valerick TTRPG | World Anvil

Voices of the Past

The Opal Order is known for and heavily trained to be sharp of mind and quick thinking. The currents of Aeir respond best to sharper minds and some of the more advanced magicks they may call upon are meant to allow them to truly tap into the seemingly endless knowledge locked in the whispering winds, the memories of past eras, of those whom came before.


Basic Effects: Weaving the Opal currents within one's self, and attuning one's self to the voices of the flows of Aeir, so you may partake in the whispered stories, history and knowledge that the winds alone may remember first hand from bygone times, you grant yourself a limited sort of supreme understanding. You automatically treat any use of any Lore skill in the matter of a research based test as a natural 20. Furthermore you treat yourself as having Master level training in all Lore skills for the duration, and roll with the Momentum if rolling for the sake of drawing knowledge from memory in the moment.

Side/Secondary Effects

Tier II Effects: The maximum duration of this spell-form becomes 2 hours.

Tier III Effects: The maximum duration of this spell-form becomes 3 hours.


Emilia gazed about the old site, her mind filtering and blocking out the voices of her companions as they looked about the trees with awe. Trapped within the trunks were people, the facial expressions of raw terror and agony. The land showed very few signs of battle, yet the wind whispered of a mighty and terrible conflict. She carefully examined the trees, not touching them, for the winds warned her against this action. "A hundred years, perhaps more," she noted aloud, listening contently as the whispering voices upon the breeze told the story, the history, of what stood before her, seeking to understand what had occured here, what ill had befallen these folk almost a century earlier.

"We had upset the guardian of the woods here with our mere presence, a foul and fell creature, a fey creature, a being of corruption, and of wood and beast. A leshen. We could not stop it nor could we flee, and now we stand as warning. Ware all whom travel here, for none are welcome, and the leshen comes for all." Emilia stiffened as she heard this, realizing the grave danger she and her companions were suddenly in.
Gestures & Ritual
Casting TN: 22, Tier II: 27, Tier III: 32
Related Discipline
Opal Order
Related School
Related Element
Aeir (Air)
Effect Duration
Maintained, up to 1 hour
Effect Casting Time
1 minute
Applied Restriction
Special: This spell-form targets you, and allows its benefits to you for both research and observation


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