Stone Shield Spell in Adventures in Valerick TTRPG | World Anvil

Stone Shield

A simple, swift and protective spell-form utilized by those of the Topaz Order, one of the first they learn.


Base Effects: Reacting quite rapidly to a threat, you forge the mannas of Domhan quickly before a target, manifesting a sigil in the Aether that then manifests itself as a protective aura of brown-grey stone like colors all around the target. All damage they would take for 1 round is immediately resisted, so cut in half. Furthermore, they gain +2 Armor Score, and 5 temporary wounds for 1 round.

Side/Secondary Effects

Tier II Effects: Increase the Armor Score Boost to +4

Tier III Effects: Increase the Temporary Wounds to 10.


Julie knew immediately she was dead, as she lost her footing in the mud, seeing the feral beastmen lunge, she had no way to avoid or parry the wicked serrated hatchet blade. She closed her eyes, only to feel as if she'd been dunked in sand and gravel, as a voice pierced the turmoil of the battle all about her, even as she felt the axe slam into her side, yet though it hurt, the wound did not bite as deep as the Tauri's mighty swing should have. "Ach there'll be nary any o' that dyin' nonsense against this sad lot lassie!" roared Durzi, as the brown and grey energy enveloped and protected her, shielding her from the worst of the assault.
Gestures & Ritual
Casting TN: 9, Tier II: 14, Tier III: 19
Related Discipline
Topaz Order
Related School
Related Element
Domhan (Earth)
Effect Duration
Instant/1 round
Effect Casting Time
1 Reaction
60 feet
Applied Restriction
Target: A creature being subjected to an attack or magick effect that will do damage within range.


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