Primorians Ethnicity in Adventures in Valerick TTRPG | World Anvil


Once, long ago, during the time of the Tanes, there was a world spanning empire or collective of sorts across Valerick. We lived in a sembalance of harmony with all sapient beings, even those we see as little more than savage monsters now, if you wish to believe such fool tales. Orks and dwarves getting along, bah, madness. Yet there are those whom would claim it is true, and to be fair, their does seem to be some evidence. Yet I cannot imagine the idea, so foreign is it to me.

The Primorian culture is long forgotten now, though a very slim few still hold to the old traditions of worshipping the elements of creation, the Primordial forces. However a remnant remains, a strong one, though those whom utilize it have no real understanding of what it is they are using. We refer to the strange pictographic iconography used by the Magisterium for their spell-forms and even for their Orders. For when they are weaving a spell form in the Aether, they are not merely manipulating energy. They are talking to a primordial force. They are communicating with it in the ancient language known as Arcanis. Those strange symbols and patterns they must weave the manna into amongst the Aether to manifest their spells, those things they call Spell-forms? The reason they are so crucial is naught to do with stability or control or any of that bollocks. Its because each line, each intersection and each angle means something. Translates to syllables or entire words. So if you have one in the wrong place, you loose the entire coherency of the pictograph, you alter its entire meaning. Of course, try explaining all this to the Magisterium, I promise you they won't listen.


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